Cross Train Xpress question

  • Thread starter Cheryl_Shakespeare
  • Start date


Hi Cathe!

Your new videos look incredible and I can hardly wait to get them!! I have a question about the Cross Train Xpress videos in regards to impact. I am a very advanced exerciser, however I have a health condition which affects my joints. I have to carefully sequence the impact in my cardio throughout the week to prevent flare-ups. I find this especially true when doing high impact step workouts (I always sequence kickboxing, spinning, hi-lo, etc workouts in between). I really want to do the Cross Train Xpress videos in a weekly sequence as intended but would like your input on the impact on these videos. I was wondering what sequence of the 6 tapes you would recommend and/or modifications you would suggest to the 6 pack so that I could do them all in a weekly sequence. I would appreciate any tips you can give :)) I also have to add that you look fantastic so soon after having your baby, WOW! Thanks so much,

Cheryl S.
Xpress Mods

Hi Cheryl! I'm not Cathe , but I think I remember her replying not to long ago that they would post some modifications after the tapes had been released. Any one remember what thread that was on?

Elizabeth Kelly
Hi Cheryl!

So nice to hear from you.

Sorry to hear about your health condition. Thats actually what makes this a tough question to answer since I don't know your exact limitations.

Well, I must say that each of the series(except for the legs of course)has a fair amount of impact in the cardio. While much of the impact can be modified, it would be a little difficult for me to remember where all of the impact points are on each of tapes in order to list these modifications for you. But I definitely want to help you so if you could please do the following favor for me that would greatly help us both out. Once you receive the tapes, make notes of the areas that are hard for you to modify and also let me know what kind of moves you can or cannot do regarding your joint condition. Also, in time, we are going to offer form pointers and choreography modification mini lectures on our On Line TV. This may be helpful to you as well. Looking forward to hearing from you. Take Care!
Thanks Cathe!

Hi Cathe,

Thanks so much for getting back with me about this :) I know its very hard to recommend something since you don't know my exact limitations. Actually I am very strong and healthy for the most part, the only real limitation I have is that I definitely can't run as it affects my hip joints (severe pain :eek:). I also have trouble with hips, knees and feet when I try to do high impact step 2 days in a row.

I have had no trouble with any moves on your previous tapes including Interval Max which I do at the highest levels of impact. I always leave at least 3-4 days between step workouts. My concern is with doing the Cross Train Xpress in a weekly sequence since so many of them seem to include high impact stepping.

I really want to do them all in a weekly rotation but wanted to do them in a manner so that I won't have a flare up in my joints :)) I know that I could sequence the Legs tape and the kickbox tapes in between step routines to help alleviate some of the stress but was wondering which ones of the remaining 4 tapes had the most impact. Would it be possible to rank them from least to most impact?

Yes, when I receive the tapes I will certainly take notes and let you know how I modify them so that I can do them in a weekly rotation! I think perhaps if I modify a couple of the workouts throughout the week and go all out on the others then I will be fine, I guess it will take a little experimentation! I am an experienced exerciser so I am always cautious and listen to my body (and my creaky joints hee hee :)

I will look forward to seeing the mini lectures on the Cam, I have been enjoying the workouts you've had on there! Thanks so much again for your time Cathe :)

Still tough to answer!

I'm glad to hear that you are so good at modifying hi impact workouts to meet your needs. If you were able to modify Interval Max and all of the others that you listed, you will have no problem modifying the new workouts either.

You asked about ranking the impact of the remaining four express workouts and I would have to say that they are all pretty much equally impact oriented. TIPS: The step portion of the 10/10/10 video includes a double richocet move that has quite a bit of impact. The intervals in the "step with intervals" tape are also quite hi impact. Hope this helps. Take Care!

Hi Cathe,

Actually that helps a lot, I will plan to do 10/10/10 and Step with Intervals at all out intensity but space them on opposite ends of the week. Then I'll modify the impact on All step and Power Circuit and will put the Legs and Kickbox tapes in between as I doubt that I'll have to modify those. I think it will work just fine, I can't wait to get the tapes! Thanks again :)


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