

Hi Cathe!
I know you stay away from nutritional questions, and give very sensible straightforward advice, but I was wondering what you think about creatine supplementation for women. I don't want to look like hercules, but I've read so much about what it can do for strength gains. Does it also turn you into the Hulk?
Also, I must tell you I can't beleive what is happening to me since I started your P.S. series...I might even look forward to bathing suit season this year. That is amazing in itself!
Also, I wonder if anyone else has picked up on the little pun after doing the quarter dead say "they really get you in the end"
Yes, they do...right there in the end.
Also, (I think about some pretty weird things when
working out)....squats are like the position one assumes when using a public toilet and not you think the invention of the toilet has led to some of the behind problems of the western world? If you travel to third world countries, where many women still have to squat in the woods or wherever, there is no cellulite!
Sorry about this one, but I thought I'd bring it up.

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