I have been taking the pill form from Wal-Mart..no problemo!!Thanks, when I start I plan on going with a low dose. I read that it is not really necessary to load up for a week. So I'm just going to stick with a low dose. I also hea Rd creatine now comes in pill form as well. Do you find that you get very much bloating?
I take 3 pills ( suggested dose) prior to each w/o. They come 60/ bottle. It is made by Muscletech. I have not researched really, just seemed convenient! Others may be more knowledgeable! Many swear by the stuff, and I have been making gains, and it seems to be the one universally recommended supplement. Hope it is effective, whichever form you use..good luck!Now when you take the pill form do you take it everyday? What brand do you take?
I also read that now they believe it could help when your doing workouts such as Hiit because it is an intense way of training.
It has been hard to keep myself away from this thread.
I am not taking any at the moment but now considering taking some. I thought taking Branch Amino Acid was enough!
@dawn9222 Since you have mentioned Hiit and Weight, what difference did you notice?