Crazy strong & loving it " HAPPY HALLOWEEN"


Happy Halloween,

I will work my abs and get a stretch in today, that's all:D

Today is my DD's 25th b-day:D

Don't eat to much candy:p have fun today, everyone.

Happy Halloween!
Good Morning,

Happy Halloween everyone. Today for me is Core 20 and suppose to be Stretch 40 but we will see.

Belinda-have a good day.
Happy Halloween ladies!!!

Nora - I hope your "weird" symptoms worked themselves out and you didn't have to make a trip to the ER. :(

Belinda - I'll wait until your kids show you how to work the Workout Blender first and then you can just tell me what to do...:p I'm not all that savvy when it comes to that stuff.

Roxie - have fun with your workouts today!

DD is already wanting to carve pumpkins and it's only 9:45. I tried to explain to her that I have only had one cup of coffee and cannot possibly carved pumpkins yet, but she doesn't understand...;)

Have a great day everyone. Oh, I'll be doing legs today...WOOHOO!!!
Happy halloween ladies! Try to avoid that candy bowl if you can! Lucky for me, I got mostly tootsie rolls and stuff, at least that's not nearly as bad to nibble at as the other treats, right?? So far, just one midgie has been consumed. ;)

Looks like some good workouts up in here this weekend! I got a good run in yesterday with my sis and a friend who ran the half with us and ran again today with Scott. LOVED it. Love being out in the cool fall air!

BUT I also realized something. I may be injured - knee has been bugging me and I've tried to ignore it. I think it's Patellar tendonitis so I've decided I have no choice but to lay off the running for the short-term. And by short-term I"m hoping it's just this week that I have to nix it and then can start adding it back in. I"m being overly optimistic probably but maybe optimism will speed recovery, you never know right?? So instead of running as cardio this week, I'll do spinning and kickboxing since neither of those tend to hurt my knee, thankfully, or I might cry! LOL. I may try HIIT on one of my STS days too, but there's a lot of plyo moves in there that could end up being bad for me too...hmm.

So anyway, I'm really bummed about it BUT trying to be optimistic. Wish me luck on that. ;)

And Nora - I hope those weird symptoms went away and no ER visit was in your plans this weekend!! Hang in there!!

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