Ok, made executive decision to jump into M2. I started off doing chest & shoulders from M2D13
Flat Bench Press (DB)*2x12 @50% - 20's
Flat Bench Press (DB) 12,10,8 - 25's
Flat Bench Chest Flys 12,10,8 - 20's
Incline Press 12,10,8 - 25's
Incline Flyes 12,10, 8 - 20's
Seated Front Press Alternating Arms (Elbows Forward) - 12,10,8 15's/14's/14's
Seated front press TF - 14's (managed 9)
Alternating 1-arm standing lateral raise 12, 10, 8 - 10
Seated lateral raise TF - 10's (managed 7)
Seated rear delts 12,10,8 - 10's
I thought I might be going too light for press and flyes, but I'm feeling it now so I think that was an ideal weight for 70%.
Debbie - I run in the street and apparently the camber/tilt of the road has been causing me to roll in with my right knee causing overuse injury of the IT band. It all came to a head during my long run Friday. It hadn't hurt one bit until then and now I can't go down stairs like normal. Have to side step one legged. Lots of fun