Hi girls!
I'm back for personals.
Debbie- I know how frustrating it can be when a workout just doesn't seem like its gonna offer a super sweatfest and serious bpm's or heart rates you'd like. Kenpo X is a fun workout as I remember of his in P90X but its not as tough as Rapid Fire: Kick, Box, and Core Burn though is it. Love the versatility of it and the premixes. I do love to do boxing and kickbox type workouts. A nice perk to any kickbox style workout is it does work the core at the same time, love that! Nice job on your workout. I agree after a while Tony can get on your nerves.
Jessica- sorry to hear about eye problems. Perhaps a nice warm moist compress would help? I know that does seem to help me when I have issues at times, so that's what I usually do first before I resort to going to the doctor. If your eye is hurting and nothing helps get your butt to the doctor. Nice job with last nights workout of Core Fusion Energy Flow Yoga. I'm glad that your having fun with those. So, road trip sign up this friday, eh? Good for you for doing that, WTG!!!
Heather- You are amazing to still try and train when your not feeling well. I hope you get lots of rest and get over this stomach flu or bug that your suffering from. Be well!
Belinda- I hope you and your DH had a great workout this evening. I see you did an iTread 60 Min one on the treadmill, WTG!!! Bravo!
Chris- Nice job on step works workout! Yay, for oldies but goodies of the workouts. I see you did PUB minus the abs from that and did Butts and Guts Stability ball abs, sounds perfectly awesome, love it!
Yes, I really need to lose #40 lbs, I'd take #30 but its more like #40. Nope, I'm not lean and super toned, I wish! I think with me the biggest problem is diet not working out. I like to workout, but its hard to eat the way I'd like with limited funds, but I try to do my best. Its hard too with too teenagers in the house and a husband that each eat differently than I'd like so, its hard.
Roxie- Yay! For Treadmill workouts, nicely done Roxie. Great job!
I didn't know you had a TM.
Ok that's it for me girls, sleep well and have a great day tomorrow!
Hugs to everyone!