Hi girls!
I just finished up my workout about two hours ago. I did it, and man it was a great workout for me today.
Here's today's workout:
Original Boot Camp= 58 Min
Calories burned= 603
Met Value= 7.0
iTread Set 6= 20 Min
Met Value= 8.75
Calories burned= 239
Distance= 1.55 Miles
BPM= 152= 84% MHR
Total calories burned from this workout= 842
My ankle is still on the mend for those that asked, thanks for your concern and well wishes.
Belinda- Congrats on your wedding anniversary!
Also, bravo on your workout today of bi's, tri's & and abs. Have a wonderful day and do something special for the both of you.
Debbie- Excellent and impressive workout today and you even went up in weights from previous times working Bi's and Tri's. You rocked that workout big time. I don't even dare to mention the piddly weights I lift by comparison, but its all good like you its all about progress and doing your personal best, which you are famous for. Awesome workout today Debbie, Wow #80 Tri's close grip bench presses
And before that you had me envious of your fab BB EZ Curls. Way to Rock your workout Girl!
Heather- Take care as you rehabbing your knee injury and easing off on the running for now. Great job on yesterday's workout MD215 doing Biceps work.
I think the eliptical at the gym is a good thing to try or even a stationary bike or recumbent bike. Just be safe and have no knee pain
Great ideat to take your workout sheet to the gym with you and being able to get some weight work in there. WTG on your workouts and rehabbing your knee.
Roxie- Yay for you doing TF ABS 10 and Stretch 10, sounds great. I hope all is well with you, keep up the great work with your workouts.
Chris- I hear ya on Step Blast, I think it looks fun too but the quick steps like that always cause me problems with my ankles. The more athletic style like circuit blast I have no problem with or Athletic step. I think my ankles are just traumatised from years of having sprained or broken ankles. LOL!! Intensity Lo HiiT is awesome, I really enjoy Intensity Premix #9 its the only one I've done of the new workouts. Sorry to hear you had a rough night with your son's blood sugars not being where you'd like them. I hope he's doing better now. Hugs!
Melissa- Nice job with your yoga workouts, yes they definitely are workouts you feel the next day and discover you stretched and used muscles you didn't know you had. I know you'll have fun with your cardio tonight whatever you decide on so, have an awesome workout.
Yay! on every Friday in December is a day off for you, that's awesome. Sort of an advanced christmas present of sanity for yourself. I like that!
Jessica- Hey congrats on you and you sis being in the calendar. You must mean the new calendar, but I sadly wasn't able to order one this time. Oh well, next year then. I loved seeing your RT pics of you, Jo, Heather, and Melissa, fun to put faces to the names. Great job on your Ride workout this morning and possibly Core Fusion later as well. You are workin' and rockin' those workouts hard girl! WTG!!
Debbie- Thanks for the info about what pinwheels were. I was going to ask that but I see Heather beat me to it. I've done those before. I learned something new today that those are called pinwheels. Thanks for the info.
That's if for me today girls, have an awesome evening and I'll seeya all at tomorrow's check in.
Hugs to everyone!