Checking in -
Yes, Nora!! We care!! I think a couple of us did Imax 2 this week - good for you. And I really enjoy that pilates based AbCircuits.
Roxie, hang in there. I'm glad you had a nice evening.
Debbie, nice to hear from you. I always seem to have more time to post on the weekends. Then there are some of you "real people" that get out and have lives on weekends and we don't hear from you until Monday. Hope you enjoyed your weekend.
Then there's the night shift on weekends - ugh! I don't know how you do it!
Heather, I'm not a "runner", so I don't know much about leg work and race prep. Have fun this weekend, though.
I'm only still up because (after work and soccer and homework) my husband is resting before graveyard and I hate to go upstairs and disturb him... I did manage to get a workout in this morning before work - Muscle Endurance. I had a really good workout and burned almost 400 calories. Holy cow!
Nice job on Supersets, Belinda. I know I'm having a really good time revisiting all of my DVDs. I have to say, though, I DID break a sweat on Muscle Endurance!!
Time to go start some coffee for DH. Then off to bed...night night....