Checking in -
I didn't get a chance to check in yesterday, but I ended up doing GymStyle Legs. I'm a little sore today - nice.
I'd been trying to do the 1 heavy/1 light rotation, but found that I just can't go as HEAVY as I need to (safely) with what I have in my workout room. We have a weight bench with leg attachment out in the garage. I feel so dumb that it has never occured to me to go out there for bench press, etc. And I could really use the leg curl/extensions...I'm getting really tired of leg presses and dead lifts! I'd like to move it back up into the workout room...but I think we need a shorter Olympic bar for it. (They sell those, don't they?) I've just been so selfish with my space up there, but now I think I need that bench! Now if I could just get a squat rack, too. ARGGGHH - I need more room!!
Anyway, I'll probably do GS Chest/Tri today. I have a dentist appt here shortly, though. So I may have to lift this afternoon.
I hope each of you has a great day and great workouts! And Roxie, I know with such big changes you've made you'd expect to see some quicker results. But with discipline, when those changes happen, they will stick! Keep up the good work and TRY to not be too discouraged - it will happen. Hang in there.