Good Afternoon ladies!
Just checking in for today's workout, thankfully I got it done much earlier than last night, since its 3:33 pm Oregon time.
Today's workout:
Cardio Coach Volume 4= 52 min
Calories burned= 639
Distance= 3.61 miles
Warm up=6 min approx.
Challenge 1= 8 min@140 BPM= between 75%-but not quite 80% of MHR
Steady State 1= 2.5 min @146=80% of MHR
Challenge 2= 8 min approx.@148 BPM=80+% of MHR
Steady State 2= 2.5min approx.@144 BPM=80% of MHR
Challenge 3= 11 min varying between 150-152 BPM=85% of MHR
The last 45 seconds I reached 157BPM=85%+ but not reaching 90% of MHR.
Steady State 3= 4 min@144 BPM = 80% of MHR
Cool down= 3min Medium speed jog= 140 BPM not quite reaching 85% of MHR
Stretch= 6 min + stretch. I felt awesome after this workout. I always love CC workouts!
STS- Legs, Meso 2, Disc 14= 48 min
Calories burned= 393
This was so much fun and it just simply flew by. I loved the Tri-sets those were awesome. The paper plate section are always amazing, they are so tough but they really work several muscle groups in the legs and pulls in the abs as stabilizers- Nothing like multi-tasking muscular workout that ups the calorie burn too! gotta love that!!!
Winsor Pilates Circle workout= 20 min
Calories burned= 109
That's it for me today! I missed Debbie's pre-workout snack/meal and the post one too. Can somebody fill me in on what that was. Ialways love to learn something new each day. Enlighten please! I hope you all had an awesome workout setting the tone for a wonderful wednesday!