Crazy Strong and Loving It for Jun 1, 2009


Hi and Good morning,

Today I will do 4DS HIS + Chest/Back. I am super sore today. I will be back for personals!

Have a great Monday and workout!
Hallo again,

I just finished 4DS HIS, burned 371 cal + 4DS Chest & Back, I burned 370 cal. I was sweating buckets, no kidding! I also lifted the same weight as Cathe did:D If I don't work my abs today, kick my butt today,ok:p I like to skip that one, not sure why?:rolleyes:

Have a great day and workout today.BBL!
Good morning. Just got done doing Disc 31 back and chest. I was right on with all of my weights which makes me happy. Only 2 more weeks to go and then I have to decide what rotation to do. Debbie-your rotation looks great!

Have a nice day ladies. Hope to be back later.

Morning all! Today was Supersets and I did Back & Chest. Had an excellent workout after I woke up. Dang, I was tired when I woke up this morning. It took a while for my energy to kick in. I added one additional set to each superset.

8 minute warmup on treadmill.

45 second rest between each superset.

SS #1
Unassisted Chins:
superset w/
Barbell Bench Press:
80# - 8/8/8/8
***First two sets of chins were hard because I just wasn't awake. I'm actually surprised my numbers were as high as they were with those.

SS #2
T-Bar Row:
55# - 10/10/10/10
superset w/
Incline Barbell Press:

75# - 10/10/10/10
***LOVE my t-bar attachment. That is one cool piece of equipment. Could have gone heavier with both but by the 4th set I was wiped out.

SS #3
Low Incline Pullover:
40# - 12/12/12/12
superset w/
High Incline Dumbbell Flyes:
30's - 12/12
25's - 12/12
***Shoulders were clicking really loud with 30's so after the 2nd set I went down to 25's. Got a great burn here.

That is all....

Thanks all about the rotation. If you do it, hope you enjoy it!
Good Morning,

Tonite starts a new phase of Chalean. I am doing Lean Circuit 1 and this month is suppose to focus on using your core more for stabilization.

Belinda-glad to see you can workout again.

Bev-I am like you this is my last month of Chalean and there are some many more workouts and rotations that I can't decide what to do.

Debbie-I didn't want to get up this morning either. Great workout.
Today was total body!! As per the new rotation - I did Muscle Max. All I can say is OMG. I haven't done this one in probably close to 4-5 months; I forgot how hard it was! My upper body is still quivering. I even burned 317 calories throughout the whole thing. I did impress myself on a few of the exercises as well when I used heavier weights than Cathe (thanks STS!). :)

I looked at Cathes June rotation this weekend and it seemed to have an awful lot of weight days - so I'm glad that Debbie made up this rotation to do instead! I'm almost back down to my "wedding weight" so I am very excited! (can you tell?)
Hi girls,

I am back with personals.

Nora, thanks for the websites. I will check them out tonight. Hope you enjoyed your rest day yesterday. Coach Sean pushed me big times yesterday, loved it! If my legs can handle another run, I will go for a nice run tomorrow.

Bev** high fives on Chest & back today. Have fun deciding on your next rotation.

Debbie** I am always impressed with your weights. Love the looks of your new rotation that one will definatly shed some pounds. WTG on adding another set. Once I have my coffee I am good to go, lol!

Rockie** have fun with Chalean tonight. Yah, it feels good to be back.

Karen** WTG on your weight, that is awesome! Enjoy Debbie’s rotation.

Wendy** enjoy your workout!

Have a great day!
Todays Eats will be

Brkfst-forgot to eat
Am snack-stoneyfield lowfat vanilla yogurt, strawberries, and banana
Lunch-ham salad sand made with bologna and lowfat mayo, carrots and watermelon.
PM snack-cherry tomatoes, 2 deviled eggs
Supper-still in the deciding stage, want to try mexican skillet made from a taste of home recipe that uses lowfat ingred.
Hi ladies!:)

I hope everyone has had a great workout today! I'm doing Cathe's June '09 Rotation and today was day 1 for me. I was missing STS so I was interested in trying this one out. Although, I did feel torn between Cathe's June rotation or Debbie's. They both are awesome but have a different focus.

Here's my workout for today:

Jillian Michaels- iFit card-Level 2,Wk2,Prgm 2= 30 Minutes

warm up BPM's= 88,112,135

The rest BPM's= 147,148,154,142
Cool down- 125,109

Distance= 2.35 Miles
Time= 30 min
Calories burned= 400

STS Disc#1- Chest,Shoulders,Biceps= 50 minutes
Calories burned= 410

I had forgotten that with muscle endurance you do a lot of reps and use a bit lighter weight. I tried to use my weight numbers from Meso 3 week 4 Oops! Oh well, it still felt great to be lifting again. I'll remember this for tomorrow since it will be STS#3 Legs still in Muscle endurance.

STS-Ab Circuits-Med Ball abs= 10 minutes
Calories burned= 61

I Love these, I use an 8lb. Med ball, this is one of my favorites for abs!!!:)

Well, that's it for me today. I'm sort of disappointed with the calorie burned today since its lower that usual, but I guess with weights you don't always get the higher calorie burn, but your body burns the calories for much longer.

Hugs to everyone and WTG on today's workouts!!!!;);)

Good Evening,

Here are my workout stats:
Bicep Curl with Calf Raise8lbs/24 reps followed by 6 slow reps
Triceps Pushup-12 reps followed by 3 slow overhead ext.
Split Lunge with Bicep Curl-10lbs/12reps followed by 3 slow squats
Triceps Extension in Runners Lunge-8lbs/12 reps
Bicep Curl with Hamstring Curl-10lbs/22reps followed by 6 slow bicep curls
Plank with Tricep Extension-5lbs/24reps these were uncomfortable
Reverse Lunge with Double Bicep Curl-10lbs/12reps followed by 6 slow squats
Spine Tricep Hovers-12lbs/12reps
Sumo Squat Calf Raise with Bicep Curl-10lbs/10reps

29 in the zone
131 min hr
172 max hr
255 cals burned.

Didn't know what to use on these exercises because it was my first time.

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