Crazy Strong and Loving It for Dec 11, 2009


Hi ladies. Today will be a rest day for me. My sister is coming up to stay the night!!!! Really enjoying this part of her divorce I hat to admit :eek:

Last night I did plyo legs disc 35 and C&W abs. Wasn't the best workout ever, didn't push like I should have. I really would have taken yesterday as a rest day if my sis wasn't coming up today. I know myself though and knew I wasn't going to get up and do that workout early this morning. So, got it done. Not sure what I'm going to do tomorrow. Don't know how long she'll stay up here. Still haven't decided on new weight rotation or just finish out Cathe's Oct rotation for a full 8 weeks.


Going to get started on MESO 3, DISC 27, Shoulders, Bi's and Tri's...

I have one of my headaches that doesn't go away. Wish I could just crawl under the covers, but so much to do. Might as well just do it...

Enjoy your day, Heather! You must be glad you got your workout in yesterday, even though it wasn't your best....

Roxie: What did you end up doing last night? I would have recommended the same as Heather, just something you ENJOY and WANT to do.

Nora: Yoga *IS* tough. Even for me, yesterday with Yoga abs, had a hard time on my wrists with some of the moves. SO I understand why you'd feel that way.

Okay, I'm outtahere...
To was Core Synergistics again. Did better then the first time but there are still exercises I either can't do or can't finish. I did my best.

Stacked foot/Staggered Hands pushup - One hand forward one back, one foot on top of the other--do 5 pushups and switch sides until you can't anymore.
***I did 4 rounds (up from 2 Tuesday) of 5 pushups on each side. Did a lot better here.

Banana Roll - Start on back with legs and arms extended 6-12 inches off floor-hold for 5, roll onto side hold for 5, roll onto back hold for 5....Keep going!
***Did alot better on this one too.

Leaning Crescent Lunges - Lunge forward at 45 degree angle while extending your arm in one straight line with your back leg holding dumbbells.
***Used 5# dumbbells. I felt it this morning, I really concentrated on squeezing all my muscles.

Squat run - Squat position with one leg in front, holding dumbbells moving your arms back and forth like you are running--switch legs.
***Used 3#, this made a difference. I didn't use weights last time.

Sphinx Pushups - Rest on forearms elbows under shoulders. Press up off forearms until arms are straight. Great lat exercise.
***I don't like this one at all. Probably did about 8.

Bow to Boat - 5 seconds in bow flip over 5 seconds in Boat.
***I liked this one and did much better with it today.

Plank to Chatarunga Run - While in plank run your knees in for 10 seconds then go down to a chatarunga position and do a fast type of crawl while hovering.
***I only did this one in plank position and couldn't do it for too long. My endurance on this one sucked.

Walking Pushups - Get in plank position and walk with your hands and toes 4 counts forward and back keep repeating for a minute.
***Did well with this today and really felt it in my abs.

Superman/Banana - Alternating Superman and then roll onto your belly for arms and legs off floor position/ Go back and forth.
***Did a lot better on this one, I went as fast as Tony called the movements out.

Low Lateral Skaters - Slowly shifting side to side in a deep lunge while lifting your straight leg at the end of the movement.
***I liked this one too. Great burn.

Lunge and Reach - With weight in hand reach down to front leg as if you are lifting something off of the floor, then reach up and twist as though you are putting it on a shelf. 30 seconds on each side repeated.
***I used 5# for this one. Felt it in my obliques.

Lunge-Kickback-Curl and Press - 20 reps. Do a lunge, lean forward do a kickback, bring torso up straight and do a curl, then do an overhead press, then bring it down and do a reverse curl.
***Today I felt this one, I used 5# instead of 3's and it made a difference.

Reach High and Under Pushups - Combine standard pushup then a sideplank from sideplank reach under like a pilates twist and repeat.
***I liked this one. Cathe does this one in one of her ab workouts and I always loved it.

Prison Cell Pushup - From standing bend forward to plank do a pushup bring your right knee in and out, do another pushup, bring left knee in and out do another pushup, do third pushup and jump back to standing.
***Form was better today and I think I did about 6 or 8.

Side Hip Raise - Lying on side resting on forearm. Lift hips up off of the floor and lower them.
***I liked these too, Cathe does these a lot. I was able to do 20 on each side.

Squat X Press - Holding weights do plie squats while you are performing a wide shoulder press that your body forms and X. 30 reps.
***I used 5# weights for this one too. I liked this one.

Steam Engine - Standing knee to elbow crunches-50 reps
***This one was a good one, felt it in my obliques again. You have your hands behind your head and my shoulders were burning.

Dreya Roll - From standing squat down rolling onto your back, kick legs straight up in the air, almost like a pilates control balance and roll forward coming to standing again. To make it harder jump between reps.
***I liked these as well. Did about 10.

Bonus rounds:

Plank to Chaturanga Iso - Alternate 10 second counts between plank and chaturanga position.
***I can't do a low chaturagna. I tried but my right shoulder will not tolerate the hold. So I did a plank as long as I could.

Halfback - Agility moves simulating going through football tire drills 60 sec.
***This one was fun but can't figure out why its a core exercise.

Table Dip/Leg raise - Get yourself into a yoga table. Raise one leg in the air keeping hips up, and do tricep dips changing after 5 reps. 60 seconds
***I like this one too but can turn my hands the way they have them. They have your hands in towards your feet, I had to turn them away from my feet.

Nora - There is nothing wrong with substituting another yoga workout for Yoga X. I did Bryan Kests one earlier this week. I love his workouts. Just one more comment on your training and then I'll get off my soap box. I honestly truly, truly don't think you should be doing two rotations at once. Pick one and stick with it. You can't lose weight any faster by doing double the work, believe me. It doesn't work that way. Pick one of the rotations you like better and stick with it to a "t". Don't add anything, don't do extra cardio. I'm telling you, you are in for injury big time if you keep doing all the workouts you are doing. Plus like I said before, all this working out is going to backfire and you won't see any results. Seriously, believe me. I've been there, I've done that. I use to workout 2 hours + a day. The minute I stopped doing that and only worked out about 45-60 minutes a day I started seeing amazing results. Especially with muscle building. I know you are going to do what you want, but I hope you think about it. I really would hate to see you injured or frustrated because you aren't seeing results. {{{hugs}}} And that's all I'll say. :)

Hi to everyone else, not much time for personals. I'm running late and need to get the heck out of here! You all have a great Friday! Taking my mom to her last follow-up appointment.
Good Morning,

I haven't got the phone call to stay home again today but its alittle early yet. I figure the boss lady needs the day off to bake cookies to go to her daughters house this weekend. I didn't end up doing anything last night. Tonite is B&G premix #3, if I stay home today I will do something to make up for Cardio Fusion or who knows maybe I will just do it.

Heather-have fun with your sister.

Chris-hope that headache goes away.
Roxie - I know you don't really enjoy BM2. I did that one so much that I have gotten to where I don't use that disc either, especially for cardio. That being said, I don't mind it with Cardio Fusion because it's broken up. you get just the full step routine twice through then move on to the bonus step from LIC then back to the blasts from BM2 then on to Drill Max drills. I think it makes it much more bearable. But seriously, do one that you know you will enjoy or it'll feel like such a chore (especially for an hour). Hope you get to stay home again!

Good Morning,

I haven't got the phone call to stay home again today but its alittle early yet. I figure the boss lady needs the day off to bake cookies to go to her daughters house this weekend. I didn't end up doing anything last night. Tonite is B&G premix #3, if I stay home today I will do something to make up for Cardio Fusion or who knows maybe I will just do it.

Heather-have fun with your sister.

Chris-hope that headache goes away.
No such luck on staying home and its kind of stupid I get Wed and Thurs off but work Friday and the boss lady is here.
Ok, remember when I said I didn't think I had pushed myself like I should have? I think I lied. DOMS are setting in. I did go heavier with squats and lunges and added calves. I just didn't think I really pushed myself on some of the plyo stuff. Again, I'm a liar. :rolleyes: LOL. Amazing how it sneaks up on you!
Hi girls -

I still need to get my workout in. This morning my husband asked me what I wanted for Christmas ..... and now I'm signed up for the San Diego RT! Who woulda thunk?
Should be a blast. The whole family is going. DH and kids will do SeaWorld etc while I work out. Then we'll head over to nana & papa's in PHX for the rest of the week as the kids are on spring break. Awesome!
Sorry you had to go to work today, Roxie. Kinda felt like you were going to just have a really long weekend, huh? Boss lady nixed that. I hope you enjoy your day.
Nice work, Debbie, tackling Core again today. I might do Kenpo later.....I hope your mom has fully recovered and healed.
Chris, I hope your headache eases. What a drag. What do you think about the weights in Meso 3?
Heather, I made sweet potato and black bean burritos last night and they ROCKED! I've been wanting more since I woke up this morning!
Okay, I need to go work out....
Wendy - I am sooo jealous about your road trip gift. FUN!!! I made butternut squash and black bean quesadillas on Tues. Sweet potatoes would work just as well. Glad you enjoyed the combo. I love it! And you can make it as spicy or sweet as you want. I was thinking that'd be a good stuffing for poblano peppers perhaps. Ah, the wheels are turning.

Hi girls -

I still need to get my workout in. This morning my husband asked me what I wanted for Christmas ..... and now I'm signed up for the San Diego RT! Who woulda thunk?
Should be a blast. The whole family is going. DH and kids will do SeaWorld etc while I work out. Then we'll head over to nana & papa's in PHX for the rest of the week as the kids are on spring break. Awesome!
Sorry you had to go to work today, Roxie. Kinda felt like you were going to just have a really long weekend, huh? Boss lady nixed that. I hope you enjoy your day.
Nice work, Debbie, tackling Core again today. I might do Kenpo later.....I hope your mom has fully recovered and healed.
Chris, I hope your headache eases. What a drag. What do you think about the weights in Meso 3?
Heather, I made sweet potato and black bean burritos last night and they ROCKED! I've been wanting more since I woke up this morning!
Okay, I need to go work out....
I got my workout in today--the dreaded IMAX 2!!:D I love how I feel after doing that! I'm hoping that my hubby has taken to my shameless hints for Drill Max....I've been hinting like crazy but who knows. :rolleyes:

That would be the 2nd one I own---I usually just dvr them from Fittv but I really want to buy more....LOTS more!
Checking in -

Okay, I did the Double Cardio premix (I think) from 4DS. It was LIS/HIS. I did it on an 8" step. It was a little cumbersome with all of the "sweeps". I also did AbRipper X. I'd not done it before and I didn't keep up with their rep counts. But I was fairly successful, so I'm happy.
Heather - I need to go bake more yams!
Hi AmyWI!
Have a great day everyone!
Thanks for all the empathizing for my head. It still hurts. I did do DISC 27, but felt dizzy and lightheaded through a lot of it (due to the excedrin migraine). It kind of sucked, but I got through it. I also got through the post office and groceries.

Came home, ate some sugar and carbs, laid on the couch until my loud boys came home. *sigh*

still have a headache...

Heather: YAY! for DOMS coming to visit! I'm thinking I won't have much tomorrow either, but maybe I'll be surprised like you!

Debbie: OMG, the exercises sound cool AND hard! Different stuff!

Roxie: Sorry you had to work. but JUST one day, and then the weekend!

Wendy: AWESOME Christmas present!!! 2 of my friends on another check in are going too!!!! I'm excited for ALL of you!!! You must be on recovery week... good cardio today! Ab Ripper X is TOUGH STUFF... it killed me last time I did it (well, MOST of it, anyways!) Good job!

Hi girls!;)

I hope that everyone is enjoying their Friday.;)

Here's today's workout:

Kick Max Premix #2 Low Impact 48 Minutes.
Calories burned= 426

Plus add 30 push ups and 200 sit ups/crunches. As per Cathe's December Rotation.

P90X Ab RipperX= 16 Min
Calories burned= 98

Total calories burned from today's workout= 524

I scaled down my workout a bit as per Debbie's advice. I was supposed to do P90X Legs & Back= 59 Minutes,483 calories burned, but I moved that workout to Sunday so I won't be doubling up on a long workout day.

Heather- Great workout, I love doing Plyo Legs~!!! And I see you did Cardio and Weight Abs, very nice workout. Great job!:)

Chris- Don't you just love STS, love the shoulders, Bi's & Tri's on Disc 27 that's always a challenging one for me. I applaude your doing that workout, I know how tough it is for me. My upperbody is not nearly as strong as my legs. I'm sorry about your headache, I hope it goes aways ASAP! I guess all you can do is just rest and hope whatever over the counter medication for pain you may have taken kicks in. Please rest and feel better!;)

Debbie- Awesome workout, Core Synergistics sounds very challenging. But I gotta say if its hard for you to do some of the moves its got me scared. I'm so not worthy of your workouts. You are the queen! I think I'll be doing Core Synergistics next week, it will be week 3 for me on P90X. You always amaze me with your workouts, you rock girl!!! p.s. I hope your back and shoulder are feeling ok and not giving you any problems.;) I will scale back my workouts I really sort of want to do P90X but don't feel like it offers enough cardio, that's why I decided to do Cathe's December rotation as well. I'm always up for good in suggestion on my workouts and appreciate your always helpful input. Thanks for the advice Debbie, I will take it. I'm just sort of wondering what I can do say three days a week maybe to kick up the cardio while doing P90X? Thanks again Debbie, take care.;):D:)

Roxie- Bummer you have to go to work today. I hope you have fun with your workout, Butts and Gutts is a great workout. I love the premixes on that one. Keep up the great job or working out. ;)

Wendy- Wow! What an awesome christmas gift. Its so great you'll get to go to Cathe's San Diego Road trip and have a nice family vacation too, Lucky you. Tell Hubby he gets lots of high fives on this one, awesome present;) Double Cardio HIS/LIS from 4Day Split is intense, plus you did Ab RipperX, now those are butt kickin' workouts, bravo!! Excellent workouts!:D

AmyWI- I know it always starts with one or two of Cathe's DVD's and the next thing you know you'll have almost all of them. I know that's what I did my Cathe addition started about two years ago. I have nearly all of them.LOL!! Cathe really needs a twelve step program, or to give us gift certificates occasionally to keep us going. LOL!!!

That's it for me today girls, I hope everyone gets a good night's rest and feels great tomorrow. Seeya at tomorrow's check in.;)



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