Crazy Strong and Loving It for Aug 11, 2009

I walked on the treadmill for 45 mins on a really steep incline. It's amazing how high your HR can go up just from the incline. I did SH biceps with PH biceps added on.

DB curls = 15's for all 3 rounds
Hammer curls = 15/12/12
Barbell curls = 15/13/13 (dumbbells as I don't have a barbell)
Wrist curls = 12's
Reverse wrist curls = 5's
PH biceps = 10's for all of it

Patti - are you sure you're not just making stuff up with those legs??? Holy freaking cow. I don't remember SH Legs AND PH Legs AND B&G floor!!!

Hi Ladies!;)

Wow, Awesome workouts for everyone today, bravo!! You guys are my heroes and inspire me to keep working out. :):D

I feel bad I haven't replied back with personals its just hard for me to type very much my right numbness and sometimes weakness due to MS can make doing something very difficult for me. I apologize if I have offended or seemed like I'm ignoring personals, I'm not its just my stupid MS.;)

here's today's workout:

Kick,Punch, & Crunch= 68 minutes

Calories burned= 696
I wore 1lb weight gloves on each hand while doing this. Phew!!

That's it for me today. Have a great evening ladies, seeya at tomorrows check in.;):)


Nora - you're certainly not offending me! I think you ROCK keeping up with your workouts like you do. Not posting personals doe not lessen your hard work one bit!! Hi 5's to you!


Hi Ladies!;)

Wow, Awesome workouts for everyone today, bravo!! You guys are my heroes and inspire me to keep working out. :):D

I feel bad I haven't replied back with personals its just hard for me to type very much my right numbness and sometimes weakness due to MS can make doing something very difficult for me. I apologize if I have offended or seemed like I'm ignoring personals, I'm not its just my stupid MS.;)

here's today's workout:

Kick,Punch, & Crunch= 68 minutes

Calories burned= 696
I wore 1lb weight gloves on each hand while doing this. Phew!!

That's it for me today. Have a great evening ladies, seeya at tomorrows check in.;):)


Just finished Si6 Ramp it Up and I didn't burn as much as last nite. I only ate 1047 cals today didn't get lunch.

49 min
31 in the zone
132 min hr
173 max hr
294 cals burned.
Nora: Don't ever think that we think anything even close to that! I love to read your check-ins, just post what you can, when you can. :)

Heather: SWEAR it said that! I know Debbie did the SH/PH combo but I think you tacked on the floor work. I was going to skip it but I figured what's another 15 minutes? Plus I like floor work. :D
Good evening/ morning!

Debbie, I got a little confused, ankle/knees. So many ankle injuries are going on the forum, sorry! I am glad your knee isn’t bordering you anymore.

Patti, S&H Legs/ PH Legs will get your legs good, lol! WTG! I did that rotation, LOL! Let me know how your legs feel tomorrow!

Heather, nice walk plus Biceps workout today. Incline always gets my HR up and it burns a lot of calories too.

Nora, you’re not offending me, girl. You always amaze me with your workouts. I hope you starting to feel better soon. (((((HUGS)))) ^^^^5,s on KPC with the weights, that is awesome! I do read your check-ins.

Rockie, nice job with your workout today.

I am sitting here drinking coffee, trying to wake up:eek: Soon I will do disc 11.

See you in the moring.


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