"Crazy Strong and Loving It!" for April 2"


Good morning girls,

I have to go back to the doctor, I still can't breath out of my nose:mad: I don't think I have allergies, I think I have an enfection! I feel like I have something stuck in my nose. I am tired of this.

Not sure what cardio I will do?

Have a great day and workout!
Today was Shoulder and Abs and I had an excellent workout. Really enjoying this type of training which surprises me. Maybe because it's such a change from the heavy lifting I usually do. Whatever the case may be, I'm liking it!

10 minutes on treadmill for warmup.

8 sets - 20 seconds on/10 seconds off for each exercise.

2 minute rest between each exercise.

Barbell Overhead Press:
25# - 8 sets/10-9 reps
***Ok, these just kill me. I cannot get use to doing them, they hurt and burn and by the time I get to set 5 I have to stop at rep 5 and then continue. Not sure why I have such trouble with this exercise.

Front Raise:
15# (plates): 8 sets/10-9 reps
***This was a good weight, I thought it may be too heavy but it was just right.

Lateral Raise:
8's - 8 sets/10-8 reps
***These felt good too, I'm shocked my right shoulder doesn't bother me anymore. I really thought this rotation would irritate it more.

Bent Over Lateral Raise:
10's - 8 sets/12 reps
***These burn like crazy.

Barbell Shrugs:
45# - 8 sets/17-16 reps
***This was better this week, the last two weeks my right trap kept getting really tight. Today it was all good.

Knee Raises:
8 sets/11-10 reps
***Wow, by set 5 I was dying here and moreso in my quads then my lower abs. Hip flexors did not like this exercise.

Stability Ball Crunch:
8 sets/12-11 reps
***Got a good burn in the upper part of my abs. HR did not go up much with this one.

58 minutes total
4 minutes below zone
49 minutes in zone!!!
4 minutes above zone
422 calories burned
- This shocked me! Very happy with these stats!

That is all...

Belinda - Hope they can figure out what you have. That sucks! Hope you feel better soon!
Hey Belinda! I hope you feel better soon. My mom just discovered she has allergies after years of trying to treat it as a series of sinus infections. I hope you get it figured out!

Chris: I can't believe you are almost done with Meso 2! Where has the time gone?? I figured out that if DH and I stick with our repeating every week (except Meso 3) then I will be one week short of finishing for the RT. I think that's what we'll do. :)

Bev: YES I'm excited for the RT! I have been looking at new workout clothes- any excuse to shop! :p

Today was cardio for me so I did Kelly Coffey Meyer's Step Boxing combos 1-4twice plus the floor ab work from Turbo Jam and the post kickboxing premix from Yoga Solutions. I burned 808 calories.

Have a great day everyone!
Good morning. I did Original Bootcamp cardio premix today. You were supposed to also do the cardio quick fix but I just did the premix twice because it was so much fun. Also did Abs with no equipment which is one of my favorites. I have major DOMS in my butt today which I'm really noticing since it's cleaning day.

Belinda-I hope the doctor can give you something to get rid of that infection. Isn't that frustrating when you can't breathe? Then you can't sleep which is bad!

Debbie-great workout as usual. I thought of you when I inhaled my bagel last Saturday. lol

Patti-you are going to have soo much fun on the RT. They usually start a check in on here beforehand and that's a great way to get to know people. I'm having regrets that I didn't sign up for this year!

Have a great day. I'm on coffee break right now but I need to get back to work.

Bev - you and I must be on the same workout rotation! I didn't want to do the quickfix thing either - so I opted instead to do 4DS Cardio Power which is the kickbox cardio + the bootcamp cardio. I didn't have time for the abs - so I will do those tonight.

I do have some soreness in my hamstrings and a little in my butt area - but not as bad as last weeks leg workout. (thank goodness) I do still have doms from Monday though. WTH??

I need to kick up my clean eating and workouts the rest of the week so I meet my goal this week. I hate how TTOTM puts a wrench in your diet at times when you are craving chocolate....sigh.
Hey Guys...

Today was my cardio day. On Cathe's rotation was LowMax Premix 1-4, which I did, and was pure torture after Disc 23 Legs yesterday! Helllo!!!!

I also did B&G, Abs, instead of Weights and Plates...

And then , the sun came shining throught he clouds in the afternoon, and the temps jumped up into the 60's! I went to the park for a run, and it was glorious!!

Patti: you CRANK out that cardio! Don't you?? you're crazy! I can't believe I'm one workout away from being done with Meso 2 either!

Belinda: Hope you get some relief, you poor thing! that sounds miserable.

Debbie: That's cool you found another way of working out that you like!

Karen & Bev: I did the Quick Fix Cardio once, and it just didn't "do it" for me either. I liked the BC cardio premix too!

Tomorrow, Disc 24!! And another recovery week?!/!
Good evening ladies!;)

Today's workout:

CCV4=52 min plus I ran for an extra 3min = 55 min total
Calories burned= 664
Distance= 4.17 miles
Warm up= 5min BPM= 88-132. Below 60% MHR into nearly 75%.
Challenge 1= 8 min approx. BPM 141-145=80% of MHR range.
Steady State 1= 3 min approx. bringing heart rate down to 130 bpm.
Challenge 2= approx. 8 min= 147-150 BPM= 85%+ not quite reaching 85%.
Steady State 2= Approx. 3 min. @ 128 BPM= not quite 75% of MHR
Challenge 3= 11 min @150-153 BPM and last sprint= 157 BPM= 85%+ MHR.
Steady State 3= 6
6 min @146 BPM= 80% of MHR jogging. Then 1 min at power walk to cool down HR 117 BPM= 65% of MHR
Stretch= Approx. 6 min.

Bootcamp -Premix-Cardio only= 20 min
Calories burned= 205
I did Cardio Coach Volume 4 listed above instead of doing the Cathe's Cardio Quick fix.

STS-Abs Circuits-No equipment abs= 17 min I love these!!! I really felt these I'm so glad I preordered STS and got the Abs Circuit free. :D

I feel like I had a great workout today. I even went and bought two pairs of Asics GT-2130's with clearance sale prices and store coupon I saved $105 that definitely made me feel like I just won another Cardio coach challenge!! :p

Debbie- You always amaze and inspire me with your workouts.

Belinda- I hope the doctor can give you something to make you feel better and figure out what's going on ASAP, so you can feel better.;)

Patti- Wow! Your one of the lucky ones to get in on the RT, I definitely think you'll love that.

I'm happy to report no DOMS after disc 17 Legs from yesterday, so I'm definitely counting my blessings.

I hope everyone else is doing well and feeling great with there workouts today. Keep up the good work everyone!



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