Crazy Strong and Loving It 5/8


Hi and good morning,

No sure if I get my walk in today? It looks like it's gonna rain We have one day sunshine the other day it rains what's up with that?

I also will do yoga or pilates today!

Hi to everyone that follows! BBL!
Hey Belinda and everyone to follow!

Today is busy, in a few minutes I'm off to a gastroenterologist appt, a PRE- colonoscopy office visit. After that I'm going to Alex's Poetry Reading at school. And then home to do the LAST STS DISC ... I can't believe it's over either.

Sad enough, I haven't lost any amt of weight with this rotation, all my own un-doing, since I don't think I ate clean enough. I DID however, get some new definition in my shoulders, arms and back! There's indents where I never knew there could be. So I guess that's got to be good enough for me... I go!
BBL after my workout...
Hi Chris and everyone that follows,

Thanks goodness the weather changed, I took the dogs for a very long walk (over 1 hour), they are tired. LOL! I am down 2 lb. I am doing something right, lol! I bought a pair of nike Capri pans in 2007, I wanted them for the RT. I think the entire Catheland bought them in 2007. I couldn’t fit in them, I couldn’t get them up my big behind. I pulled them out yesterday ( I forgot I had them,LOL!), they are very loose! I never thought I would fit in them, glad I pulled them out yesterday. They are very cute pants!

Chris, congratulations on finishing STS! I am jealous! Enjoy your last disc today. What are you gonna do next? I saw nice results with the 6 month rotation.

Off to do some yoga or pilates! BBL!
Hey guys! I think I'm going to take one more rest day and even take it easy this weekend. It's silly to kill myself without ever taking a little time off. I think Meso 2 is going to be intense and I'm doing 8 weeks of it so I should rest up.

Chris: Congratulations on finishing STS today! As for clean eating, I had an oops on that yesterday too. It's hard. I truly think eating very clean is the toughest part of the puzzle for me. Just when I think I have it down, I do NOT. :)

Belinda: Glad the walk worked out and that you're losing weight! Good for you- silver lining of the whole mess.

I should be around today. Have a good one!
Good Morning,

Tonite is Push Circuit 3 which is all back and chest work plus lower body she does those with all her upper body.

Chris-I hear you on the eating clean thing. I think I would see better results with Chalean if I ate better.

Belinda-congrats on the wt lose and cool on the capri pants.

Patti-we posted at the same time enjoy your rest day.

Everyone have a good day and good workouts.
Hey everyone - Wow, everyone is off to a good start already today. TGIF!! I am with all of you on the clean eating being the most challenging piece to getting fit. Who would think that eating would be so hard and not the workouts?? sigh. Last night I wanted some stuffed crust pizza - I wanted it so bad. We ended up eating pot roast instead. I was very upset about that - but in the end it was probably the best decision. sigh.

This morning was Shoulders, Biceps, and Triceps. I don't know what I did - but when we got to the second wave of exercises my one bicep was feeling really weird. I thought I popped a blood vessel or something inside there. Maybe it was just bulging from the weight? Who knows. I'm glad its over. :) I still have 2 weeks to go in Meso 3 - I am still on the fence about what to do next. Maybe something non-cathe?
Good morning ladies. I did Biceps, shoulders and triceps this morning too. I had to go down in weight on the triceps and I've come to the conclusion that I didn't do a good job on my 1 rep max testing on that. My form was awful so I'm going to go back and retest. I'll be gone all next week so I'm going to start Meso 3 all over again when I get back and hopefully will do better with the new testing. Once I'm done with this STS rotation, I think I'm going to do some circuit training. I'm not a big fan of circuits but I thought this would be a great way to shock my body. Then after we get the STS cardio, I would like to do a 6 month rotation.

Chris-ok you and I have way too much in common these days. I had a colonoscopy/endoscopy 2 weeks ago! I don't think I've lost any weight either but I did have someone make a comment on my shoulders which totally made my day!

Karen-good job on your workout this morning. So is your basement finished now?

Belinda-holy rip girl you have walked alot of miles this week so I wouldn't worry about not getting to do it today. I think saving your money for a treadmill instead of getting the pullup tower is very smart!

Patti-smart thinking on giving yourself a rest day since you know what's ahead! I wonder why we feel like we have to kill ourselves all the time????

Roxie-have a good workout tonight.

Have a great day ladies and to those of you that are mothers, I hope you have a nice Mother's Day. We're going to PA tomorrow to spend the next week with my MIL. She's also turning 85 tomorrow and so excited that we're going to be there. I'm going to attempt to walk every morning and I'm taking my resistance bands and weighted vest with me.

Bev: Enjoy your trip! I think circuits are a great idea. I used to love them because I couldn't resist doing cardio EVERY day. Once I gave that idea up (thank goodness) I was over them. But I think they are fun and a good plan to shock your system again. I might have to steal that idea at some point.

Chris: Didn't you mention circuits lately? Did you find a good circuit rotation? If not, we could probably work together and make up one using Cathe's old one as a guide. :) If you want help, let me know.

Karen: What about Amy Bento? I have Slo Mo and All Pump Xtreme and was thinking of doing a month or even 6 weeks of her using one DVD each week.

How much did you all bench in Meso 2? It is calling for 72 pounds for Monday and I don't have any idea how realistic that is for me. Like you Bev, my 1RMs are sort of unpredictable on some stuff so it makes me nervous. I guess I could try it out on Sunday and see.
Patti - I think when I did the bench presses I was at 50-55#. My problem with that weight was that it got really hard to get the weight up since I don't have a barbell rack. In meso 3 I switched to dumbells because I didn't want to hurt myself. :(
Patti-I have a bad shoulder so I have be very careful on bench presses. I read yesterday in Oxygen that using dumbbells is much safer and I had already started doing that. 72# is alot! Will your DH be there to spot you?

I was thinking that I would so some of Cathe's circuit rotations and add in some new cardio workouts that I've been waiting to try for the summer. And maybe one that would get my legs a bit leaner too. I've noticed that not using a heavy barbell for my legs is much better for that.
Crikey, you guys! I just kept piling more onto my plate - and I'm usually much better (read: selfish) with my time.
Periodically I've gotten on here to glimpse through the check-in board, but never even signed in. Ugh!
I'm sorry.
I decided to do a rotation with 1 heavy weight exercise/1 light weight exercise per body part - that one I found in the spring Oxygen magazine. I don't know how long I will do it, because you're not really working out longer than 30-45 minutes/day. We're leaving for Hawaii next week anyway, so whatever I started was going to be cut short. I'll see how I feel when I get back and decide then on what to really do next.
I don't have a laptop, so I'll be out of the loop once we leave.
Enjoy your Friday, ladies!
Crikey, you guys! I just kept piling more onto my plate - and I'm usually much better (read: selfish) with my time.
Periodically I've gotten on here to glimpse through the check-in board, but never even signed in. Ugh!
I'm sorry.
I decided to do a rotation with 1 heavy weight exercise/1 light weight exercise per body part - that one I found in the spring Oxygen magazine. I don't know how long I will do it, because you're not really working out longer than 30-45 minutes/day. We're leaving for Hawaii next week anyway, so whatever I started was going to be cut short. I'll see how I feel when I get back and decide then on what to really do next.
I don't have a laptop, so I'll be out of the loop once we leave.
Enjoy your Friday, ladies!
Ooooo, Hawaii! That should be fun! I hope you have a great time.
Wow, lots of posts already this morning! You are all on a roll today! :eek:

Today I start my new rotation. I am doing:

1st week - straight/drop sets doing a 4 day split, 2 day cardio.
2nd week - supersets doing a 4 day split, 2 day cardio.

Today's workout was Back & Chest. Had an excellent workout but could have gone heavier on a lot of exercises. Was testing my right shoulder.

10 minute warmup on treadmill.

1 minute rest between each exercise and set.

Unassisted Chinups: 8/6/5
***Ok, I'm embarrassed about this. I was at 15 reps with no problems. It was a struggle to get to 8. :(

Underhand Barbell Rows:
50# - 10 reps
55# - 2 sets/10 reps
***Could have gone way heavier with this.

30# - 3 sets/12 reps
27# - 12 reps
25# - 12 reps
22# - 12 reps
***Right after the 3rd set I did three drop sets with no rest.

Barbell Press:
70# - 3 sets/8 reps
***EASY! Can definitely go heavier but really need to watch the shoulder. Felt a slight pull with this weight.

Decline Dumbbell Flyes:
25's - 3 sets/10 reps
***Fairly easy. Could have used 30's.

Incline Dumbbell Press**:
30's - 3 sets/12 reps
25's - 10 reps
22's - 10 reps
20's - 10 reps
***Again, right after the 3rd set I did three drop sets with no rest. These got hard by the 2nd drop set. It was all I could do to get to 10 reps.

Felt great to workout again. I am psyched about this rotation.

That is all.... :cool:
Hi girls,

I ended up doing "The New Method 20/20 Integrated yoga" with Marjon Conteau.It was mix of Yoga and Pilates, you get a nice stretch from the Yoga movements and then she focuses on Pilates movements, first with a Towel and then without a towel during a very tough Pilates ab workout. Glad it's over! It was my first time doing this workout, bought it a long time ago:eek: Didn't remember I had it:eek::D

Off to the showe! DH and I will go out toningt! BBL!
Hey Girls!

I survived 3/4's of my day! Finally got to come home and did DISC 36: Shoulders Tris and Bi's. Last STS weight workout. But I'm going to do it over again in a month or 2 or maybe 3, ...but I'll BE BACK!!! LOL!

You guys have been kicking it for workouts today!

Bev: Okay, that is just weird about your colonoscopy too! LOL!! My shoulders have also gotten the biggest change in definition! I have these long cuts in them going down the upper deltoid. It's pretty impressive, if I have to say so myself! ;)

Patti: I looked at the Sept 07 Circuit City rotation. It looks good! But I wouldn't mind subbing a few other circuits in there, maybe from Hardcore Extreme ... And I'm not sure about circuits from 4DS. Are those JUST upper OR lower body, or is there a combo one? Plus, I do want to run on some of the cardio days.

Wendy: Oh you get to go to ALL the fun places!! Enjoy yourself and don't worry about us, We'll wait for ya back here!

Debbie: It is fun/motivating to start a fresh rotation!

Thanks for commiserating with me on my eating. I just have to do better, is all!
;)Good evening Ladies!:)

Well, I'm inspired for tomorrow after reading about everyone's workouts for today. WTG! Ya all rock!;)

Here's my workout for today:

Amy Bento's Kickbox Cardio Surge/Core Training- Quick Surge 1 Premix= 53 min.
Calories burned= 579

I couldn't wait to do this one. Amy and I exchanged a few emails and she sent me a new DVD of this one, the one I had pre-0rdered arrived but was skipping like crazy and not useable. I emailed her and let her know and asked her what we could do about it. She was very sweet and said no problem I'll send you out another ASAP, she did too! I emailed her thanking her for that and told her about how some of us here pre-ordered her new DVD's and loved them. Amy was very pleased to hear that. She's awesome!

Now, after having done a workout from that DVD I can agree with everyone else that it is awesome and so much fun. I think its a bit easier to catch on to than Kickbox Xtreme. I did do the Core training with the med ball which was really fun and effective. The fun factor is way up there like that of her All Cardio Hi/Low Knockout workout. This one will be used a lot in my workout DVD's, I can tell already!

STS-Meso 3, Week 2, Disc# 30- Shoulders, Bi's and Tri's= 61 min
Calories burned= 473

I really liked the pace of this one and the way the exercises were grouped. I have a threaded barbell w/star threaded thingy's so its impossible to do quick weight changes on the 1 inch threaded barbell. I did try seeing if I could use 1inch standard spring clamp thingy's like cathe and gang use, but it just doesn't fit. So, in this workout it helped that there weren't a bazillion weight changes on the barbell today so things seemed to move a long much quicker. I did feel that I could have gone a bit heavier in shoulder front presses and barbell curls. I'm excited about that part! I did go a bit heavier after the first set of each of those. I used my Cathe weighted gloves and 2.5lbs ankle/wrist weights on each wrist, which I didn't mind those changes are pretty quick. I did find I could have gone for longer than 7 reps which means I need to go heavier, right? Let me know. I found this workout to be alot of fun and moved a long much faster for me. Thanks Cathe, for another awesome workout! You rock!:)

Hugs to everyone, happy TGIF!:)

Here are tonites stats:

Sumo Squat 15lbs/8reps
Single Arm Row 15lbs/8reps
Chest Fly 12lbs/8reps
Bowlers Lunge 15wts/8reps both legs this one hurts my back.
Double Bent Over Row 15lbs/8reps
Bench Press 12lbs/8reps
Single Leg Sumo Squat 12lbs/8reps both legs

Double Reverse Grip Row !5lbs/8reps
Long Arm Pullover 15lbs/8reps

14 in the zone
119 avg hr
147 max hr
166 cals burned.

I have decided it is time to invest in 20lb dumbbells.

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