Ok, I'm a little worried. My husband and I decided to try for number two and so I scheduled an appointment to have my IUD removed. My last period was on the week of September 12th. My appointment was on the Sept. 29th. I was worried that my uterine lining would be compromised because of the IUD so we decided to wait till after my period this month to try. Because I was so worried we only had intercourse a couple times and both times it was protected. Sooooo, any way, here it is the 14th and I still haven't had any signs/symptoms of a period. Am I just counting days wrong or shouldn't I have started already? I don't think I've really had pregnancy signs either, but when I was pregnant the first time I pretty much had an ideal pregnancy, no sickness, etc.The first time I got pregnant it happened RIGHT after I stopped the pill, although I thought for sure it was supposed to take longer (from what I've been told and read anyway) We did have intercourse with the IUD in, is it possible the eggs was fertilized and traveling while I got the IUD removed? I would love to be pregnant, but I'm worried that my uterine lining isn't anyone?