My funny story
Well, it could be! Funny, I don't ever read the Pregnancy forum, but your post reminded me of my first warning!
Two weeks after I had an unprotected evening with my hubby, I noticed that the premenstrual swellings were misplaced - instead of sore tender breasts, my elbows became terribly swollen! I couldn't bend my elbows!
And I turned to my co-worker at the office (stiff-armed) and said, "I'm pregnant. I know I am." And she said "NO WAY, you can't possibly know that!"
You know how you can do those at-home pregnancy tests the same day you miss your period? Well, my hubby and I stood in the bathroom and after I dipped the test stick, I ran and got a flashlight while we waited because I was SURE it would turn such a light pink we wouldn't be able to tell.
And we both stood there in complete and total shock when it was the hottest pink stripe you could ever imagine, like NEON pink, you could see it from the next county. We laughed and hugged clutching that darn flashlight.
The rest is history! But I guess I only wanted to say that I think women know their bodies very well and they are the first to know when they are pregnant.
Good luck, I hope you get good news!
Dawn P.