<---cough cough squeak blech!

<--- says the secret handshake is so secret, even <--- doesn't know what it is
<--- says besides, can't show the secret handshake until the initiation rites have been carried out
<--- waves at Debberoonie
<--- grabs the Snickers and runs
<--- just got home and is getting ready to go back out
<--- needs to do massive grocery shopping
<--- is pleased to see all the newbies:)
<--- is offering many prayers for Beavs family right now
<--- {{{{{BEAVS}}}}}
<--- offers to take out Shelley's boss
<--- LOVES the groundhog day card (<---'s DH loved it, too), and thanks Robin
<--- needs to go, like Judy, must stay on task
<---once knew the secret handshake, but like many other things, it has sunk to the lower, slimey levels of the brain stem
<---is leaving soon to get haircut
<---feels guilty taking a sick day and going to haircut appt, but adds that 45 min at the salon is easier than 8 at work
<---blows nose, coughs and feebily waves to poor sick Aiden
<--- says her 77 year old boss just came in from attending a funeral and announced that he wants to take a scuba diving course
<--- thanks Robin for reminding her to make hair appointment for Miss Sophiedoodle
<---hasn't read anything ^^^
<---misses y'all and just wanted to say hi
<---is getting closer and closer to completion of the yearbook
<---should get back at it
<---will try to catch up tomorrow!
<---hopes everyone has had a lovely day and has a lovelier evening!
<---thinks Shelley's boss is having a mid-to-late-in-life crisis
<---wonders if he'll take up skydiving next
<---always wanted to take up scuba, but can't with asthma:(
<---is back from haircut and beautiful
<---had to kiss a piece of paper to try to win a facial
<---would love a facial
<---hopes Shannon gets that pesky yearbook done soon and then move onto a brave new world
<---tells Shannon <--actually sat at her desk and started a story today
<---thinks she is having her own mid-to-late-in-life crisis
<---is such a computer illiterate dope
<---found DS's Learn to Speak French program and thought <--'s take it for a spin around the old computer
<---put the CD in, but nothing happens and <--can't figure it out
<---wonders if program could be to old?
<---gave up and came back here where some people think highly of me
<---read thread quickly w/o glasses...bawahahahaha
<---means <---could not really read it
<---could make out words "coke and snickers"
<---is on way to do MM
<---wonders if this was typed correctly w/o glasses
<---is a good typist but is presently unable to proofread
<---waves wildly back at Melissa
<--realized that <--haven't posted all day
<--cancelled doc appt
<--was to blah today to drive to Albany with two children who wanted to beat eachother up constantly
<--did a premix from DM tongiht and Connor did the football drills with me
<--thought it was adorable, just like Chase doing chest flys with <--
<--had firecall tonight too, and got a VERY nice compliment from one of the guys
<--loves those guys, well, just about all of them
<--is happy to see Catherine and Robin getting in extra WO's shaking their bootays!
<--hopes Michele's eye is still on the mend
<--misses Deb and is sorry that she and Aiden are sick, but thinks it is cool that she is there with her mom to take care of her
<--is sorry about the crap at Amy's work!
<--hopes Tig is feeling better
<--hopes SHelley survived work without causing bodily harm
<--did read all above, but can't remember too much
<--says hi and goodnight to all of you

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics 12/1/06
December and Christmas Albums


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