corn on the cob

Hey Phyllis! Guess you're getting ready to nosh on one of South Jersey's delicacies! I just love the silver queen corn that's out this time of year. They say that the ears with the most worms are the sweetest. Anyway, have you ever tried cooking the corn with the husks on? Once it's cooked the silk comes off real easy. I found a website that describes three ways to cook it with husks on. I've done it on the grill and in the microwave but haven't tried boiling it that way. Here's link:

See you next weekend!:)

I was going to say the same thing! It's amazing how easy it is to get the silk off after it's been cooked with the husk on, not to mention how much better it tastes. I'm always amazed that the grocery store we go to has these trash cans all around the fresh corn so that people can put the husks in, and people spend all that time standing there, husking away. I just grab a few ears and go, shaking my head; they don't know what they're missing!

We grill it or microwave it that way.
Phyllis, you could try having a Prader Willi child with OCD tendencies husk it for you. When my son did the corn, there would not be one piece of silk left on it. Of course, it would take an hour to do half a dozen...

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