
Hi, Benvojo! If you go on the Ask Cathe forum and go into the "Search" feature, then go into the Advanced Search feature with the word "Details", the Core Max Details thread will pop up, and that post has a complete list of all of the core exercises on each of the three routines.


DOH! I didn't read your post clearly enough. I don't remember if the Core Max Details post has a list of the Tough Core premix.

sorry - i'll go home now

Thanks Aquajock,

Yeah, theres no list for the tough abs on the website. I was being lazy asking whether anyone had made a list, but I will do it and post it later so we all have it. Its tough enough with the ab work much less switching equipment without a heads up.

Oh and dont be sorry. You are very funny and your posts always bring a smile to my face.

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