Core Work in TJs


Just want to share my experice with TJs.

I did Learn & Burn, 20-min and Ab Jam yesterday. I started to feel DOM late yesterday morning. Today, I still feel sore in my core area, especially obliques. Well, I have not been exercising for about 3 months. That might say a little bit about this DOM. But boy, I am surprised that those tucks, raise and kicks can have so much impacts to the core. Today, I also feel DOM in my back muscles, too.

I was new to TJs. I am not familiar with the moves. But I used to learn martial arts when I was in grade school. So I picked it up very no problem. When I lost the rythm, I just did my own tucks, jabs, kicks and undercuts, etc...It is fun, kind of dancy though. If you don't like dancy move, this is not for you.

Personally, I thanks for those ladies recommending this. There are two new dvds from TJs. I would like to see the review about them.


"Become the change you want to see in the world. Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." - Mahatma Gandhi
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