Core Max vs Abs Hit


After my youngest past one year old last week, I really wanted to rip of the fat and sagging skin in my core area. I have Core Max, ME, MM, PUB, and CTX. Is it enough to use abs sessions in these dvds to work on my problem area? What's different between CM and Abs Hits? Do I need to buy it?


The Abs routines I use the most are:

Abs from Bootcamp, PUB and Cardio & Weights. YOu need to buy the I Series for these.

I also use the traditional abs segment from MIS a lot, also the CTX Power Circuit Abs and Planks, and CTX Kickbox Abs and Planks. All of these are available on Ab Hits.

I have not done the abs/core work from MM, but I remember viewing it and thinking it looked good. You have the great CTX abs and planks work on the CTX DVD, and the PUB ones.

Core max seems to me to be pretty comprehensive, so unless you really want to spend the $$, I'd say, just use what you have for now. It will get you a very well rounded program already.

Actually, doing ab/core work won't really do much for getting rid of fat in the abdominal area, as you can't "spot reduce' by working specific muscles. A complete program of intense weight lifting (focussing on the large muscles of the legs, chest and back to burn more calories), cardio for more fat burning, a clean diet so that you are in a negative calorie balance (taking in fewer calories than you burn) and core/ab work for strengthing the muscles, is the way to go, IMO.

Many people have a "6-pack" hiding under a layer (or two or three) of fat.

I think the core/ab segments in the workouts you have already are sufficient. Better to spend your time on weights and cardio than on doing more ab/core work.
Ladies, thank you so much for your valuable input.

Kathryn, I was one of those people have muscles covered by fat. I eat quite clean, generally. Recently I added more protein in my diet since I don't like meat and dairy products. I eat 2-3 egges per day, one 8 oz non fat yogurt, lot of fruits(strawberry, water melon, grape fruit...) and almond. I also try to drink more water. You are right, I would better off spending time on weights and cardio than doing more core/abs w/o.

Hi i just want to suggest that if you dont have a stability ball yet you should consider getting a burst resistent one,The stability ball has done more for my core than anything else,i lost an 1.5" off my low abs,just something to consider, Mrsscififanec
I second the stability ball purchase, great tool!
I also think Coremax is okay, but not a necessary purchase for you. I personally don't like some of the moves, and my abs improved the most after doing Ab hits every day ( one section at at time, that is..) and the abwork from her other DVDs.
I did have a stability ball. I never worked on stability ball before. I felt the soreness right away after I did it in PLB/PUB. But it is 65cm, too big for me. I spent a lot of time trying to control it rather than working on it. I just got another one which is 55cm. I now feel much better. Hopefully I will get your result in a couple of month.

Thanks, ladies.


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