Core Max Levitation Moves


I've been reading alot of suggestions on how to get your body off the ground doing this move.

My question, is it better to not use props and just attempt to get your body off or actually use a prop like a yoga block and hold your legs and buns off the ground?

Is there a secret to achieving this move. I've seen some people who have no problem at all while a lot of others cannot do it. Tighten the legs, core, arms, etc.
Hi Bbunt! A lot of factors come into play here. Generally it all starts with core strength, then hand placement, body proportions, and mind/body control come into play.

As to whether to use props or not, that is your choice. As long as you eventually work your way to doing the move without assistance either option will help. You can even try both ways to get your muscles to recruit differently.

A visual.....sit on the floor in the starting position. Then lean forward slightly and place your weight up on your fingers. Center your hands halfway between your knee and your hip. Make hand placement adjustments if needed. What you are aiming for in hand placement location is that your body weight is evenly distributed for the push off. Then think of tightening your core and lifting your body up as ONE UNIT rather than butt up, hips up, legs up and then finally feet up.

Hope this helps!
Thanks for the quick response. I'll try your suggestions. When you hear a loud cry of success you'll know what happened in PA.
I tried it last night for the first time, and all I can say is Cathe you verbalized exactly what I was thinking "how is that happening?!?":eek: I was glad to hear you say that even attempting it was working the core because that's all I was doing - attempting it. I did feel it in my abs.

I was trying your suggestion while sitting at my desk at work, and I surprised myself by actually being able to do it. HOWEVER----I think it might be considered as cheating because I was (naturally) grabbing onto my seat. My hands were wrapped around my seat. I know it would be a lot different if my hands were flat on the floor. But if I sat on the floor and tried this move at work, my co-workers would think I'm crazy and wonder what's gotten into me. There isn't enough room on my chair to lay my hands flat down. I really can feel it in my abs. Of course, I know doing it on a chair isn't the same as trying it on the floor. I haven't tried it on the floor yet.
I think my arms are too short. Seriously, people who can get into the Lotus position seem to have an advantage (as others have posted). I know it works because my 9 year old daughter demonstrated for me. If only I could get into the Lotus position...

When I first tried this move, I could get my butt off the mat but my abs would shake and my body would swing back and forth.

After I read Cathe's response to this thread, I tried the levitation holds again, this time, following Jai's hand position instead of Cathe's. I had more control and was able to stop my body from swinging. I also made sure that my hands were positioned halfway between my knees and my butt. That seemed to do the trick. Before, my hands were closer to my butt.


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