Core Max? Good workout?


I haven't done this one, but it's coming on at 11 and I was wondering how hard it is? It is just abdominal/back work? I just did the Imax2 when it was on at 8am.. wowsers! I loved that one.
Okay burning is right! I did it and then saw that core max 2 came on right after that one.. anyone have an opinion of which of the two is better? I just did the first one and I was doing *okay* till the end when we did the plank position and then held that for about 30secs and then started the twisting down.. did okay w/ that, but couldn't do the forward/backward on the feet part.. my abs just gave out.. EEKS! this will for sure get my abs snapped back into shape!
This sounds like something I could really use. I've been spending too much time on cardio and not enough on toning. I could use a good ab workout. Opinions on whether I should get Core Max or Core Max 2? I'm more intermediate/advanced.
There's only one Core Max. Are you asking for the difference between Ab Hits and Core Max? If so, Ab Hits is a compilation of Cathe's older workouts, and most of them are very traditional -- done on the floor without any equipment -- and combined with plank work. Core Max has newer ways of working the core (not just the abs) and is composed of 3 segments -- the first requires no equipment and incorporates a lot of traditional ab work and planks; the second has a lot of stability ball work; and the third has exercises needing a stability ball and a medicine ball (I use a db in place of a med ball). All segments work the lower back before working the abs. Core Max also has three great premixes. I have both Ab Hits and CM, and I alternate between the two DVD's. Hope this helps.


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