I have a question about the 2nd segment on the core max DVD. I don't "feel the burn" as much with the stability ball as when I am on the floor. Am I doing something wrong or maybe in a wrong position?
This is my first Cathe DVD and I really love it. I am getting back into triathlons after taking 8 years off while my kids were younger. I am tryng to lose 15 lbs or so and would love any suggestions you all have. I am putting a big foucs on strengthening my core to become a better runner and cylcist. I appreciate all suggestions. Thanks
I have a question about the 2nd segment on the core max DVD. I don't "feel the burn" as much with the stability ball as when I am on the floor. Am I doing something wrong or maybe in a wrong position?
This is my first Cathe DVD and I really love it. I am getting back into triathlons after taking 8 years off while my kids were younger. I am tryng to lose 15 lbs or so and would love any suggestions you all have. I am putting a big foucs on strengthening my core to become a better runner and cylcist. I appreciate all suggestions. Thanks