Core Max DVD


New Member

I have a question about the 2nd segment on the core max DVD. I don't "feel the burn" as much with the stability ball as when I am on the floor. Am I doing something wrong or maybe in a wrong position?
This is my first Cathe DVD and I really love it. I am getting back into triathlons after taking 8 years off while my kids were younger. I am tryng to lose 15 lbs or so and would love any suggestions you all have. I am putting a big foucs on strengthening my core to become a better runner and cylcist. I appreciate all suggestions. Thanks

I don't feel the burn as much on the stability ball either...but I do think I am using more "core" strength to keep myself stable on the ball:) . I think the first section of core max is the hardest...and most likely to give DOMS the next day;-) . I like the third section, too, because of the use of the weighted ball.

You may also want to try Cathe's new Butts and Guts..I did it today and the ab section is great..also the butts part would probably help you strengthen your legs for triathlons.

Good luck and happy training!:)


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