Core Max and Ab Hits


I couldn't decide which to buy so I just decided to buy both Core Max and Ab Hits. For those of you that have both, how do you rotate them into your workout schedule?

Thanks for your help.

Good choice. You will love them both! I usually use Ab hits either when I want to do abs and I'm short on time, or there are 2 ab workouts I like to do together: i.e. CTX kickbox planks and MIS abs. Ab hits I usually add on to a cardio day. Core max is longer so I usually do that on a short weight workout day.
A great ab workout (posted by A-Jock) combining both DVDs is;
Coremax 2 ball roll outs
CTX kickbox planks and supline planks only
MIS abs on long bench
its a killer ab workout and VERY effective!!

Hi! I was thinking along the same lines as you. I like to do ab work following cardio workouts (especially step) and I thought using Ab Hits would be easier. I try to work my abs 3-4x/week, so I'm also thinking of doing 1 or 2 segment(s) of Core Max following up with a segment of Stretch Max. Some days I just want to do ab work by itself.

When I have time for longer workouts, I will do a segment of Core Max following cardio just to change it up.

Thanks for A-Jock's ab workout. I saved it and plan to use it once I do Core Max a few times. }(


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