Core de Force

Can't wait to hear about it. I had it in my cart.....then I chickened out.

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I absolutely love standing core work. KB done right is a great way to work the core along with other benefits. It's fun too! Looking forward to it.
I bought the standard one too, through BOD. Did Shred this morning, well, some of it bc I had to go to class. But, I liked it.

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I completed another workout, MMA Power. It was doable.....hard moves mixed with easy. The workouts are set up in rounds that are about 3 min each. The moves are taught, then you do them, then you do a "spike" to get your heart rate up, then you repeat the two. There is a brief rest between sets. I feel it in the side of my abs and shoulders today. I absolutely LOVE Chalene and equally love Turbo Fire (music, upbeat, etc). Although CdF is good, I prefer TF because of the awesome music. But, I think this set (CdF) is a great one to get us through till Strong and Sweaty is ready.

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After doing 2 workouts, I like the workouts, but I love Turbo Fire. It is great to get new workouts to liven things up, though!

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I have done the first disc (out of three plus a bonus one) so far. I really like what I've done so far! MMA Speed is 28 minutes and has 6 3-minute rounds with two spikes (blasts but martial arts based). I put on my 2-pound weighted gloves and worked thru punching and kicking moves. I was sweaty and my heart rate was up where I want it! It was fun and moved quickly. Since it was only 28 minutes, I added "Core Kinetics" which is 17 minutes and has 7 core moves that are repeated once and ends with holding a plank for 60 seconds. Good core work! I can see using this one frequently. The other one on the first disc, Dynamic Strength, is 45 minutes. It has 6 3-minute rounds that are repeated but intensified. This is a very good bodyweight strength workout. My lats, glutes and obliques were sore the next day! Wasn't expecting that. Lots of balance and strength work. By the way, there is a modifier in this set, so it's for anyone!
I'm liking this set more and more. I did Dynamic strength-loved it. Today, I tried Shred again. The moves came so much easier second time around.

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I ordered it after emails from Beachbody regarding free shipping. The price was right plus free shipping and I couldn't resist. Also, I wanted a bodyweight program. I love Beachbody programs (P90x, Insanity, Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire, Chalene Extreme and Piyo I have in my library) and I have not been disappointed. They really have a way of getting me excited about working out- I think its the wall calendar :))) Anyway I'm on Day 3 of Core De Force and I'm glad I ordered it. I can really feel soreness in my upper body in areas in which I've never felt sore. I plan to follow the 30 day rotation. I'm really enjoying the program so far.
I've grown to really enjoy this series. I'm not the most coordinated, and I got a little frustrated my first few workouts. But, after going through them again, it was easier to follow along.

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I ordered it after emails from Beachbody regarding free shipping. The price was right plus free shipping and I couldn't resist. Also, I wanted a bodyweight program. I love Beachbody programs (P90x, Insanity, Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire, Chalene Extreme and Piyo I have in my library) and I have not been disappointed. They really have a way of getting me excited about working out- I think its the wall calendar :))) Anyway I'm on Day 3 of Core De Force and I'm glad I ordered it. I can really feel soreness in my upper body in areas in which I've never felt sore. I plan to follow the 30 day rotation. I'm really enjoying the program so far.
Not trying to "hi-jack" this thread, but I was wondering what the difference is between Turbo Jam and Turbo Fire? I have Turbo Fire and see Turbo Jam is on sale. Is there enough difference to warrant buying it too? I'm also LOVING Core de Force! SWEATY is right!
Not trying to "hi-jack" this thread, but I was wondering what the difference is between Turbo Jam and Turbo Fire? I have Turbo Fire and see Turbo Jam is on sale. Is there enough difference to warrant buying it too? I'm also LOVING Core de Force! SWEATY is right!

Turbo Fire is Turbo Jam on steroids. I still use and love Turbo Jam. I think its a great investment for those days when you want to move and have fun but don't want to kill yourself in the process. Punch, Kick and Jam is a part of the Turbo Jam family and it is my all time favorite of that series. It has hiit workouts, but I can't remember if she referred to them as hiit. It's a great sweat fest, fun and I use it often. Cardio Party ( I think there are 3 of them) are also a part of the Turbo Jam family, they aren't my favorites though.
I've started the program and am loving it. I do miss weights though. Is anyone working this into a weight rotation of some kind? Suggestions?
I'm alternating a Core de Force workout with a Cathe weights workout. I was also missing the weights, but LOVE the cardio and fun factor of Core de Force.
Sure. I do one day weights and the next day cardio. For example, this past week, I did Cathe Pyramid UB on Monday, Cathe RwH UB on Wednesday, and Cathe Flex Train on Friday. Tuesday I did Core de Force MMA Power. Thursday was Core de Force MMA Shred. Today was Core de Force MMA Plyo. I also did the Core on the Floor on the Core de Force days. Love those plank challenges. I'm really looking forward to the new series to integrate into this on the weight days! The clips look wonderful!

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