Cool Bicep technique


Can you explain the standing concentration curl, where do you lean your arm?

I am not renewing my shape or Muscle Fitness Hers, Right now I subscribe to the regular Muscle Fitness, have signed up for Mens Health, still need a couple of other suggestions. I have learnt a lot more from the mens fitness magazines. The magazines that are directed at women are just a bit too wimpy for me!
It takes about 20 minutes to get all the reps out. I have to rest between sets.

I am not one to emulate. I am dealing with the breakup a little over a month ago of a relationship that meant a lot to me. I've been "medicating" my feelings, if you will, with exhausting myself though exercise so that I can't feel the distress over the other situation as much. Very obsessive but I'm an obsessive person. I remember a few years back someone gave me a Nintendo set with a Super Mario game on it. I'd never played a video game before but I was determined to beat that one, so I sat down and played it for nearly 24 straight hours until I got through all of the "worlds" and to the end of the game. I couldn't stop until I had beaten it.

It's kind of the same thing with exercise. I'm never satisfied. The 20s and 25s are as heavy as I can go and they about kill me.

For the person who asked about triceps, I'm up to 35 pounds on those overhead presses but I can't do more than 20 on any other dumbbell move.
You put your hand on your same thigh, above but not on the kneecap, similar to the stance for standing bent one-arm rows. Then you curl the bicep in a cross-body fashion, similar to cross-body triceps kickbacks (from the PS series), only upside-down. I hope you can picture it, if not, please ask me again. There is a great photo of it in the magazine.

I think I'm gonna subscribe too!

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