Cool Bicep technique


I read this about 2 weeks ago in Men's Health magazine and have been doing it since. I know most women don't want overdeveloped biceps but it's really worked for me and they have become very defined but not manly looking. I like the way they look. So, try it if you want to do something different for biceps

You take your dumbbells (I use 20s) in each hand. You bend one arm up to a 90 degree angle and hold it in a fixed position while you do a set of 12 bicep curls with the other hand. It's important that the fixed arm stay motionless. You won't believe how that burns! Now, when you're doing the curls in the other hand, you try to use 75% of the range from top to bottom (i.e., don't go all the way up or all the way down, stay in the middle 75% of the movement the whole time). Then you switch arms and hold the other one static while you curl the other arm. You do three sets of these on each arm.

This has worked amazingly for me. Thought I'd share it.
Wow!! Isn't that a long time to hold that 20lb dumbell in the static arm?? Three sets seems like it would be too much, seeing as though your biceps stay contracted the whole time. Did you have some pretty rough soreness when you first started this??

Also...I was reading a book on power factor specialization: chest and arms and it did say that working the biceps, where you are sitting or standing, doing the half way up- half way down curls are actually the best at developing peak muscle gains. The book actually uses some process to rate the exercises for the upper body by the extent that they will produce muscular gains. Kinda fun to read. Don't know if it has any validity though. ( It was my husbands book I kinda skimmed for fun). But now, I always think of it when Cathe states it Power Hour that she is working "the low end twice, cuz it works sooooo good". She must know what they know!!!! I will try your method. Maybe not with 20's, but I will try!!!!

Thanks for the info!!!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-24-02 AT 09:06PM (Est)[/font][p]I alternate arms so I'm not doing three sets on each arm nonstop. You're right. That would be torture. :)
I read that same bicep feature in Men's Health and had forgotten about it until now. I really like Men's Health magazine, weeding out all the macho-manly stuff of course. Thanks for the reminder!

I love biceps! Do you take a break after working each arm once before going onto the second set or just keep switching back and forth the whole time?

Are palms facing out or in the hammer curl position?

Is this the only bicep work you did? How many times a week?

Sorry for all the Q's, but like I said I LOVE biceps!

Men's Health is my favorite magazine! The have the best weight lifting tips all the time.
Men's Health is my favorite magazine! They have the best weight lifting tips all the time.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-25-02 AT 11:04AM (Est)[/font][p]I didn't want to say it because I suspect people on here think I'm a fanatic already :). I do both hammer and regular curls using this technique and I do 5 sets of 20 on each arm (3 sets of hammer/2 of regular). I do this 3x a week in combination with Cathe's PS CST and BBA tapes. I do all the upper body work on one day and I substitute what I described here for the first two sets of barbell curls on BBA. For some reason, barbell curls are rough on my elbows. I just stop the tape, do my thing, and then start it again. Doing this got me to the point that I can do those concentration curls at the end of BBA with 25 pound dumbbells.

Thanks for the reply. Barbell curls are rough on my wrist, so I'm usually subbing something also. I prefer hammer curls, so may try what you do. Thanks!

Cathe will not jump through the TV and stop you, guaranteed. ;-)
Thanks for sharing, that does sound interesting and worth a try. I am always looking for new ways to work muscles and all the magazines show the same old stuff. I even went as far as to get a subscription to Men's Health, so they owe you.
ROFLOL, you're funny. Girl, I bet your arms are really awesome. Twenty & twenty five lbers, woe momma! great job. I may even try it. What do you do for your triceps. Reason I'm asking, my tri's are so flabby and I mean flabby.

Since I've been doing the Tanktop rotation, for the past three weeks, my biceps are looking pretty darn good. I find myself flexing every time I past a mirror ;o) Thanks for sharing.

OK, K60, now I think you are a FREAK!!!!

Just kidding. However, I do wonder how that isn't too much. Jeez, it sure would be for me. Interesting that you do not find this overkill. AND you arms really must be HUGE. I picked up a 20lber today and kinda acted like I was gonna do what you said and I was like, "yeah, right!".:)

I am so jealous of you all that can lift really heavy on a daily basis. How long did it take you to get to that poundage?? I mean, I have heard of lifting 20-25ers but usually that is a STRENGTH rotation consisting of relatively few reps. The fact that you are cranking out over 50 of those is remarkable. How much do you think your one curl MAX would be??!!! Absolutely frightening!!!
Enquiring minds want to know... Also, this month's Men's Health has yet another cool bicep technique. It's a standing bent-over concentration curl. I tried it and it feels good.
More of us should dump our subscriptions to Shape and Fitness and latch onto Men's's SO superior as far as workout hints are concerned, and they have a lot of other good stuff as well.
More of us should dump our subscriptions to Shape and Fitness and latch onto Men's's SO superior as far as workout hints are concerned, and they have a lot of other good stuff as well.
More of us should dump our subscriptions to Shape and Fitness and latch onto Men's's SO superior as far as workout hints are concerned, and they have a lot of other good stuff as well.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-28-02 AT 10:46AM (Est)[/font][p]Well thanks alot guys! ;-)

I just ran out and bought a copy of Men's Health magazine and i'm filling out the subscription card.


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