Controllin' the Insanity. Doin' the Damage. Thursday


Controllin' the Insanity. Doin' the Damage. Wednesday!

Good Morning Peeps.

Yep, you guessed it. Up at 4am to pee and then wide awake so here I am! :rolleyes:

So MIP did my upper body in! I am so sore! :eek: My shoulders and triceps are on fire girls! FIRE I tell you! Other stuff hurts too but those are the biggies. LOL

Today is MCC. EEK! :p

I am supposed to be taking three classes at the gym this week to fulfill my "employee free membership agreement" before I am no longer an employee so that I don't get charged dues for the month. I think it's sh*tty that they would make me do this when it's only 2 weeks into the month but I was going to try. Well I don't think there's any way it's going to happen w/o me seriously being in danger of hurting myself so they can have their freakin' money! It's only $25.00. It's not gonna kill me. It pisses me off but it's not going to kill me. :mad::mad::mad:

Diana:: Nope, no bennies from my p/t job but I don't need them so I'm not worried. I'm covered under my DH's policy and it would be hard to beat the deal he gets. It's not the best insurance in the world (but then again, we are in the US so who's is anymore!?!) but it's part of his union pkg so it doesn't cost as much as what I would have to pay for them if I got bennies. When I go f/t whatever bennies they have will be offered to me but again, I won't need them. Phew-glad Jarrod finally got meds. My sister in law got braces a few years ago as an adult in her late 30's. I say go for it if it's affordable to you! Why not is right! You deserve just as much as the kids do! :) I would love to get my teeth whitened one day.

Ok, that's all for now but I'll BBL!
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Good Morning!

Ugh...I feel like I am being smothered here! DS is all over me from time to time and the dog keeps edging his way over so that when he sits he is leading up against me. A girl needs her space!!! Especially this early in the day!:confused:

I had to go back to work last night for a flight so it was 2'ish before I got in bed. Tonight will have to be a earlier night. Tomorrow night we are hosting a bbq for DH's work. Someone is coming into town...some kinda millionaire and DH invited him here and his staff for dinner. So I need to wrap my head around what I can make early.

Im not sure when I will get my workout in today. Its to cold to run outside with DS. I will probably do another run on the TM tonight.

Wendy** Aren't you just full of it today on FB! Everyone is gonna be asking me who that "wendy" girl is. Im gonna have to say its some kinda nut case I know:p

Diana** So you are thinking about getting braces? Thats a brave move but I would do it if I were you. We always put our kids needs before our own, its just something good mom's do! Did all of your boys have braces? I was the only one in my family who needed them.

Laura** Yep...a running fool:eek: I hope work isn't to crazy for you this week.

Jen** And you the opposite of Laura...your week could be boring? Nothing worse. Im so glad my 4 days stretch is over!!!

Jacque** Where are you???? Im not 100% whats on the agenda today. We are suppose to have some nasty weather. High winds, rain and snow:mad: But right now its pretty calm out there. I guess its the calm before the storm. My bars were delivered yesterday but I wasn't home so I needed to go to the post office and pick those up. I will probably do that soon.

OK .. is it me .. or is today WEDNESDAY???? I mean i would love for it to be Thursday .. but me thinks it is Wednesday ???? :p Wendy .. girl ... Insanity has taken over your brain :p

My shoulders and inner thighs are sore from plyo class .. I feel a bit beat up!! LOL but it was a good class .. added some killer pushups and more plyo floor work (plank jack combined w/plank runs and in and outs) I was spent afterwards!! Today SIL is teaching class I am going home to try Max Cardio .. ok you girls are making me feel better about it .. you say it is not as tough as Pure Cardio??? I thought Pure Cardio wasnt THAT hard (compared to the rest of the killer workouts) .... but I have been askeeered to hit Max Cardio :confused:

Wendy ... oooohhhh A/C .. have fun .. this is DH long weekend .. so we are either going to the beach or we may go gambling a bit .. SIL went last weekend and won $500 :eek: lucky thing .. poor DB cant win crap .. he gives up and lets SIL rake it in .. LOL!!!

Lori .. I am PMS'ing bad .. and I totally know what you are talking about "my space" .. I cant stand to feel that smothered feeling ... DH is on days now and I am on PMS monster mood .. poor baby .. he is all luvy dovey and I am please dont touch me right now ... it will be better by the weekend though ;)

Di .. good luck w/the ortho .. I am lucky my teeth grew in straight and dont give me any problems (knock on wood quick) .. DB is the one that had all the problems growing up .. he wore braces FOREVER .. but now he is known for his fabulous LARGE beautiful smile!! :D

Jen .. Di has teased me w/the "Sean motivates by taking off shirt just when you are ready to stop" .. :cool: bring it on baby ;) :p .. come on 5;00!!!

Jacque .. girl where are ya??? HOpe you are not in the mudslide area they keep talking about on tv!!!

OK .. have a great Thursday that is I THINK a Wednesday!!! :p Hump day 1/2 way thru the work week .. wooohooo :D have a great one!!
OK by the time I posted this .. someone changed the title back to Wednesday .. unless I am really loosing it and need to go home ... too much insanity for me ????? :eek:
No Laura...your not losing it...Wendy is. I totally forgot to make fun of her earlier. I was to busy making fun of her on FB!;) Im not even pmsing..just people crapping my style. That was a couple of hours ago and I still feel the same. I am trying to feed DS while he walks around with a sippy cup in his mouth and once again, the dog is in the way so DS is tripping up in him. All of this is happening in a 4x4 area and I mean feet.

DS and I ran out earlier and i stopped by DH's store. Bought meself a new outfit for Sunday:D What a fool I am! Like anyone is going to know I am wearing something new.

No workout to report yet!

LOLOL .. LORI .. I was wondering if it really WAS me that was loosing it .. LOL .. totally wouldnt surprise me if it were .. LOL!!!

doesnt it seem that when you are in one of those give me some space moods .. that people and things conspire to get in your way ... me and DH and the dogs can go round and round doing the "i am going that way" dance in the kitchen .. drives me nuts!! LOL

Hey ..and NO you SHOULD have gotten you a new outfit .. especially meeting w/some "big wigs" ... a new outfit can make you feel like a million bucks .. I say WTG .. wear it and WORK IT GIRL!!!!:D
Max Cardio Conditioning is done and I have to say that it is definitely the easiest of the month 2 work outs! Thank goodness tmrw is a rest day! Max Recovery is on the schedule but I am going to be very busy so I doubt I'll get it done. I'll deal with it though.

Off I go for now but I'll be back!:)
In Wendy's defense, she was up at 3:55 this morning so she's allowed a bit of confusion today. (Don't worry, Wendy, I got your back, girl! ;))

We do have to forbid her from drinking any liquids after 8 p.m. though :D

So I was also up bright and early this morning to get MCC in, in 36 degree temperatures, mind you :eek: That sucked. The workout was good though, even though I'm tired from the previous two days. Not as tough as the others, but still incredibly hard IMO.

So, obviously I've read the thread, but I'm about to head home in a few, so I'm gonna jet and will bbl for personals. Later chicas ~

Heya girlies! Finally back :)

Wendy: I'm bigtime jealous of your A/C weekend! If it wasn't for two things, my weekend with the kids and being BROKE, I'd be in my car already heading south! The truth is, though, that I got burned pretty bad last time I was at the casino and I'm still recovering :eek: I'll be better soon though, and on your doorstep before you know it ;) Oh, that policy at work re: dues would so tick me off :mad: How ridiculous is that?? I agree, screw it. You'll win the $25 back this weekend anyway, and then some!

Lori: Is the new outfit for the BBQ or the race? And did you decide on a menu for the BBQ? Ugh, I can't believe you're dealing with snow already too! I'm sooooo not ready for winter yet. I feel like I never left the last one :eek: So did you get DS fed or did the dog take care of it all?

Laura: I'm lol'ing about you thinking you're losing it! I've been thinking all day that it's Thursday, and I don't know why, I never even noticed the mistake in the thread! I think it's this short's draggin' something fierce. So I've been wondering, how do your classes compare to Shaun T? I have a feeling they're close? If that's the case, I think I'm on a plane to 'Bama soon :) But you do plyo for an hour in your it as hard as Insanity? Yeah, he's nice when he's topless...he gets gorgeouser and gorgeouser with each dvd :p;)

Hi to Jacque and Di! Hope you're getting your Insanity in!

K, off for some Bejeweled and then Criminal in the a.m.~

Hi Girls:)

Late workout for me tonight. It was 8:30 or so before I began and 10'ish before I ended. Then i started cleaning instead of getting in the shower:confused: I was in the mood to clean but of course I can't do that this hour of the night with everyone else in bed. I knew once I sat down I would get sleepy and its kicking in.

So I did CC#5 and 4DS chest,back and shoulders. Tomorrow will be another run and tris and bics.

Wendy** So todays workout was a tad easier? Maybe you are just getting use to them:eek: The super strong...super women that you are:D

Jen** Oh the dog managed to eat some of the food off DS's plate when I wasn't looking and I think he licked his cupcake as well. I came out of the room and the dog was licking his lips. So I had to throw the cupcake out. Just one of those days!

Laura** The dog was driving me batty today! Sometimes when he as been given human food, he is like a crow:mad:

So get dad is back living here. Oh my...welcome to gidget's hotel! Hope you enjoy your stay!:rolleyes: My dad use to stay with me from Mon-Thurs for while he was working and then he would go home on the weekends. Then when he was laid off, he would be gone for a while. Then our friend that moved in here kinda took his room but we asked him prior to that if he were going to be staying with me or in my sisters house. He said he was staying at her house but then she ended up getting a town tax bill, when technically no one is living in the house (b/c she doesn't live here, they built the house for when they move home) so he had to move out or she would have had to pay this bill. He then bought a trailer and parked it next to her house and thats where he as been staying ever since but coming here in the evenings for dinner. Last night out of no where he says " do you have anywhere for me to sleep for a little while"? What was i suppose to say? He is in his 60's (he should be retiring right now but isn't) and I couldn't have him sleeping in the goodness. What kind of person would I be? I told my mom today that he as been living with me almost as long as I lived with them. She was alittle stressed out about it b/c she didn't know where he was going to live and they were thinking that he would have to look for a bording home. Of course he didn't want to do that. So there is a little room , in the basement, and he as a mattress and an alarm clock with him. Now there are 6 of the dog. People always tell me that they don't know how I do it. I think I am just used to it. My dad as been coming back and forth for yrs (plus my brother) that I don't know any better. Hopefully he won't find it to hot down there once we light the wood stove.

O.k....just finished some chips (did you hear that wendy?:p) now I am off to bed!


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