Continuing the great underware debate

Thanks Cakebaker! I feel bad no one wants to talk "undies" with you. Thanks for the tip! I'll check them out. Do they stay PUT???

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance, I Hope You DANCE!
Yes - they stay put! My life is so dull that this is very exciting. I guess everyone else would rather discuss something more stimulating like politics or religion. Just kidding, folks.
Cakebaker, they look comfy, but I'm pretty sure my tummy would hang over that front v part. :( I'm continuing to order underwear thru the mail and so far no luck. :( I guess I'm just plain built weird.
Hey LD,

Just wanted to let you know you are not alone. I also do not wear undies under my workout clothes. I don't need anything shifting or bunching up or annoying me while am trying to focus.

>Am I the only one that doesn't wear undies with w/out

Unless I'm wearing shorts, I never wear underwear under my workout clothes.
I just bought a few pair of these. They sure looked pretty hanging in the store but let me tell you that seem that goes down the front, goes in places I'd rather not have it. I'm glad they wqere on sale! I don't feel bad having thrown them away--I don't think it's right to return undies to the store.
"I don't think it's right to return undies to the store."

I don't think you CAN return undies to the store. At least you can't here (in Canada). It's against our Health Department regulations. Undies and swimwear are always final sale.
I wear undies under everything! Except if I'm wearing pantyhose, but I haven't worn them in a year!

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