Construction of the new set...

SNM Videos


The construction of our new set is taking place in a very large warehouse near Atlantic City. There is still a lot of work to do, but early on June 21st the finished set will be loaded onto two tractor trailers for the trip to the filming studio. It will take about 20 people two days to reconstruct and light the set. Filming for the 8 New Cathe videos will start on June 23rd and end on June 29th or 30th.

You can find more pictures at the following url:

Thanks for posting the pictures. Can't wait to see the finished product! It will be fun to compare the real McCoy to these rough photos.

Thanks for sharing the pics. Approximately how long will it take for the videos to be ready to ship after the filming is done? I CAN'T WAIT!!!
Sorry, I got a little carried away there. Thanks again.

Shipping date

We should be done editing by July 10th. The masters will then be sent to either our duplicator in California or New York. As long as there is no holdup with the printer making the video covers or with the duplicator, we could have product in our warehouse by end of July or sooner. Please keep in mind this is only an estimate.
Wow is right!

Toooo Cool. Now where do I order my toga to workout in?!

This set of videos is going to be awesome!


That could almost be a picture of my garage. All the paint cans look very familiar. You just need some bags of grass seed, charcoal and few hundred gardening implements. (Just some ideas for the next new set.
Way cool!

Wow! What an endeavor! I think this is the coolest set I've ever seen! Can't wait to get these vids!!
Looks GREAT!

Thanks for keeping us updated...I think we all can now better appreciate all the work that goes into creating Cathe's top notch workouts...what a great team effort!!

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