Considering Joining a Gym - Long


I would like some advice. I am considering joining a gym. I work out 5 or 6 days a week with Cathe and other advanced videos for about 10 years. My feet have been hurting (it is more like discomfort) when I first start working out but feel better after I've warmed up. At first I thought it would be nice to have access to a swimming pool to get some cardio in without the impact. Now, I'm thinking that if I joing I could take a couple of classes a week in addition to or instead of using the pool. They have cyling classes too but I'm not sure if I would enjoy that.

The problem is I don't want to miss out on my beloved videos/dvds and I would like to retain the basic schedule (example weights on Mondays, rest on Wednesdays) but taking classes would force me to alter my schedule. Another important issue is the cost. I do have enough money (especially if I cut down on video-buying), but I don't know if the price for this gym is reasonable. It is $46/month plus a one-time $199 initation fee. With membership I would get two hours of personal training and free 15 minute "tune-up" training sessions every 10 weeks. They charge for additional hour long sessions. The gym hours and class times are good and considering I live in the middle of nowhere, the location is not terribly inconvenient (7 miles away but on my way home from work). There may be other gyms in my general area, but they wouldn't be as conveniently located.

So what do you all think? Is there a benefit to taking classes with an in-person instructor? Is the cost worth it?



"The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more."
Hi FitDoggie!

I don't belong to a gym and have done everything in my home. I firmly believe that you can receive the same results at home that you can in a gym if you have the essential tools.

I don't have a problem with gyms, but they just don't work for me. I would suggest that you visit the gym you are considering and see if they will allow you a "trail" membership. Use that trail membership to the fullest and once you have done that you should be able to determine if you feel it is worth it for you and if it's a place you will enjoy going to.

It will be hard for any of us to really tell you if it will benefit you because we don't know the specifics of that facility.

I hope this helps...

Good luck to you!![/IMG][/URL]
Hi FitDoggie,

Here's my personal experience...I joined a gym in mid March after swearing them off for years:

After almost 4 years of working out EXCLUSIVELY at home I finally joined a gym. I was ready for a change and was tired of constantly purchasing new work out vids/gadgets to try to satisfy myself and keep boredom at bay...

I was never fond of the gym atmosphere and have joined a few in the past and quit after only a few months but now....I LOVE the gym!!!

Would I want to depend upon it soley for my work outs? Not a chance! I wouldn't go often enough but I do go faithfully 3-4 times per week while using my videos the other 2-3 days per week. It's the best decision I ever made! It really mixes it up for me. The gym gives me access to things I don't/can't have at home like a treadmill, elliptical, spinning, etc. I also love it because I am a SAHM so it gets me and my DS out of the house to do something FUN a few times a week...he has a blast playing in the daycare while I get my work out done and then the early a.m. or DS's nap time when I would normally work out can be spent doing other things.:)

Just my 2 cents! :+

Edited To Add:

FYI: I paid a $200 start up fee to join initially and now pay $32.75 per month and I'm in a year contract. I never have to pay the $200.00 again and after a year I can cancel my membership if I want with no cancellation charges. This gym was not the most expensive nor the cheapest I looked at in my area.
I worked out at home and was in great shape when I joined the gym. I needed and wanted access to machines that would would challenge my lower body. I couldn't get that at home without spending money on large sized equipment. I felt this was the solution for me.

I looked at several gyms in the area. I found that the place I chose had the cardio level I was looking for and the weight equipment I was most interested in.
Now, I love the gym!!!!! It is worth it to me. The step classes are very similiar to Cathe in intensity or more. Plus, they have double stepping which is fantasticand a lot of fun. They carry almost all of the Les Mills programs, BodyPump, BodyFlow, BodyStep, BodyCombat, RPM(cycling), and have introduced BodyAttack and BodyJam.

I maintain a schedule with my weekly rountine. Once you know classes interest you, you will be able to make it work around your needs.

Now, I use Cathe when I can't get to the gym or need a change in what I want to workout. Although, I would say it's harder working out at home by myself now.

I didn't think I would like the group workouts but it's what makes it part of the fun....there is so much energy flowing.
I have to ditto what Wendy said. I go to the gym 2-3 days a week and workout at home 3-4. I love Cathe, but I also love the treadmill (with Cardio Coach) the Elliptical and the Stair Mill. I also love that I can do much heavier weights at the gym. For example, leg presses at 265 pounds. I can't do that at home! I also like that I have access to personal training, if I want, to help tweak my routine. The gym has lots of benefits, as does workig out at home. I like them both. My gym membership had a $90 start up fee and it is $30ish a month. No cancellation fee at all.
Hi! I belonged to a gym for many years and did like it when my time permitted. Since, my work has changed and resulted in long work days (10-12 hour days) and I found I never got to the gym any more. By the time I drove to the gym, changed clothes, worked out, showered and changed clothes again, and drove home - it ate up much of my evening time with my SO. I work out at home now, granted I have had to invest some money in Cathe, weight equipment, etc, but I can come straight home, change, do my workout and be done in time to still make dinner!:9 I also am so much more consistent working out at home - I don't know HOW many times I would find an excuse NOT to go to the gym after a long work day. The gym does present certain benefits, however, and the price you are quoting seems reasonable. If your time permits consistency, go for it. Also, the trial idea is a good one. If you can even get a day pass, go and check it out, see what you think!
>>So what do you all think? Is there a benefit to taking
>classes with an in-person instructor? Is the cost worth it?
-Sometimes an in-person instructor can push you a little harder than you might push yourself if they are a good motivator. I tend to do my cardio at the gym and my weights at home with Cathe. Some clubs have a one or two week trial membership so you can check it out before committing.
Good Luck with your decision.

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