Connie1 - How is your teaching?


Connie, you haven't given us an update in a while. How is your teaching at the Y coming along? Do you have more classes? Last I remember you were getting your first official class. What's up now? :) :)

Wow, you guys are so nice to ask! It's going great! Every week it gets smoother. I teach Saturday Morning, 9:30, Step 2.

It's a whole new step in fitness, being an instructor. It's so nice to be paid- even if it's only 12 bucks- LOL! Another nice thing is there is no way I can skip the workout, because people are counting on me!

The only drawback is that this room I teach in is a big, gymnasium type of room with lots of echo! So it's hard to hear whether the music is on the downbeat, unless I use particular CD's with very distinguishable beats. Participants often come up to me after class and say "I couldn't hear you." The volume is okay, it's just the natural reverb blends all the sounds together. But, there's a silver lining- I think the management wants to fix this situation.

To make it easier for them, I have started research and found a solution, I think! It is hanging sound baffles. They will look like colorful banners hanging from the enormous ceiling all the way down the length of the room. I will find out more this week. I contacted a company that makes sound baffles, measured the room for them so they can send me information, and I will pass this along to my supervisor. She already gave me a favorable response when I started researching it.

There seems to be good funding available, so when/if effective sound control is installed, it will be a whole new experience!

Another Catheite, Alexandra, is also teaching there! Both of us work out with Cathe early in the a.m. before work. We both have a f-t job, and she has 2 sons, I have one. I am subbing her class tomorrow night at 5:30- step and sculpt! First time for this format, I'm a little nervous, but excited too.

That's the latest! Thanks for asking!
Wonderful! I think its so great you pursued this and have really enjoyed reading your progress. You are a true success story!

Thanks for the update, I always enjoy hearing (I guess reading :)) about you! :) :) :)

Connie, that's wonderful!! You sound like you're so comfortable with teaching already! And kudos to you for working toward a solution with the sound!!

That is GREAT Connie! I just knew you'd be successful. If we did it for the $'s there are lots of us that would have quit a looong time ago. It's a benefit to do something we love and get paid even a small amount. Keep up the good work. If I am ever in your area I would love to take a class with both you and Alexandra. Thanks for filling us in.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi Susan, Debbie, Carol, and Jo!

I have been teaching regularly since May 2004. Before that I was a sub for a few months.:) :)
About how long did it take you to make up your first routine and about how long does it usually take you now?
Hi Connie

About that step and sculpt class you taught! Hope all went well and you had a ball.

Was it half step then half sculpt as in floor work, or did you combine the two? Did you use free weights or the bar? How many members did you have attend? (Im just wondering how much interest lies in this format) What is the workout speed for sculpt?

Sorry about all the questions, but Im loving this structure of step sculpt, and so am curious how you put it together.

Thanks for answering when you have the time.

Hi Susan! It took me about 4 to 6 hours to think up the first routine (that is, 6 32-count combos) but now I can think them up much faster. Knowing which moves change leads, and how to adapt if the class does not pick them all up fast (adding or subtracting lead-changing combos or moves) gets more automatic. I takes one-fourth the time now.

I still rehearse the moves in my living room, like a whole one-hour class, and I count that as a workout.

I had never done it before, but I did it like cardio and weights. We used dumbbells only,and about 15 members attended. I think everyone there is an intermediate, and had a challenging time picking up the moves, and next time I would change it and do step around 20 to 30 mins and then the strength.

I used the same BPM for both, just made the reps half-time (2 counts up and 2 counts down) sometimes. Some of the reps I did at tempo, but I saw some members slowing them down.
Thanks Connie

Sounds like you had a great class - may you be able to teach many more. From my experience GREAT instructors are hard to find in the Gym so they very lucky to have you!

I've been thinking about teaching a class for the rec department in town here. I bought a bunch of club steps on ebay from a club that was changing their image and getting new ones. But, now that I have the steps it's turning out to be really difficult to find a teacher. So, I'm considering doing it myself. Where did you get your music? Any suggestions are appreciated. I'm a little bit terrified. I'm also a little bit apprehensive to turn my workouts into work, I wonder if I enjoy it more as something I do for me.
You can find out a ton of info at the forum at turnstep:

I get my best music for One of my faves is Cathe Vol.1.

Don't worry. Just take it a step ;) at a time. Make up a few combos and use them as workouts. Try cuing each move ahead of time. Make up a few combos and then break them down, just like Cathe does in her step videos.

Try to find a local instructor who will letyou teach part of her class. Teaching is the best way to improve.

You can do it!

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