>>Thank you LD, Debbie and Michele!
>>So when are YOU going to pick up running? You love cardio
>>sooo much these days thanks to Coach Sean that I think you
>>should trade in your EXT for a TM and GO FOR IT!
> Trade in my beloved elliptical for a...a...dreadmill!? Nay,
Then just get out there and hit the pavement girly!}(
I don't want to take a pill. Go to Africa, go follow some bushman around. He's being chased by a lion. That's stress. You're not going to find a pygmy on Paxil, I'll tell you that right now.
-Ellen Degeneres
CONGRATS on your wonderful accomplishment. You have come soooo far! I'm really proud of you!
So you're starting round 2 of the X? I started a modified round 2 today. I'm doing the Classic one but on the core synergystics and cardio days I'm doing more intense cardio (like CC and maybe Imax 2 every now and then) and on the Yoga X days I'm doing cardio too. For the leg workout I'll be doing squats, lunges and walking lunges with weights - all in preparation for cycling. Plus I might only do it for 60 days instead of 90 b/c my cycling coach (DH ) says I have to start training in February and I promised to do whatever he says in this off-season to get faster for next season. So we'll see. How's that for modified? So maybe I should just say I'm doing some P90 X workouts.
As for Michele - I bet she'd start running if Coach Sean was running with her! I bet she'd run anywhere and for any distance. :*
"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France
LOL, just cuz you are making so many mods to P90X doesn't mean you are't doing the program. The way I figure it, so long as you are doing the weight work outs then you are doing the X! I plan to modiy some as well and modified in round 1 too!
I am going to rotate plyo, kenpo and cardio x as one day of cardio and run every week for the second day.
I am also going to either add another leg work out into the mix or sub in something else for legs and back atleast every other week. I will plug the back work in whatever leg work I do though.
Lastly, I am going to use the band option this time around.
Oh, and I am doing the classic rotation too!
And I agree, I think Michele would follow Coach Sean ANYWHERE! }(
Congrats Wendy!!! Gosh I remember when you were first starting out running!!! Congrats on the 15k way to go!!!
I dont post here much these days but saw this and had to add my congrats!!!
I'm in phase III of round 4 and like you add an extra day of leg work - so I'm on an 8 day rotation. And the leg work is either L&G or B&G!!! Always cathe for that!
Congrats Wendy!!! Gosh I remember when you were first starting out running!!! Congrats on the 15k way to go!!!
I dont post here much these days but saw this and had to add my congrats!!!
I'm in phase III of round 4 and like you add an extra day of leg work - so I'm on an 8 day rotation. And the leg work is either L&G or B&G!!! Always cathe for that!