confused on tonique


Ok, bought a few tonique dvds and haven't done any of them yet but have reviewed. How do you work this workout into a rotation. is it considered cardio or what? I'm currently doing sts rotation and wondering if this is something that can be used with that rotation or not a good idea. Its just a way different workout than what I'm used to I guess.

I'm going thru this I'm 41 thing that I feel dumpy and that no matter what I do, no workout is giving me results that I want. Thats why I decided to do sts again cause its been several mo

nths since i've done it. I'm just so stinkin frustrated I can hardly deal with it some days.
GRRR. Prob doesn't help that I'm going on maybe 6 hrs of sleep in that past 48 hrs so feeling pretty crappy at this point.

Geez, blah blah blah, sorry bout my griping. thanks for listening and if anyone can help me out I'd appreciate it
Hi Christine.

Sorry you are feeling down. Sending hugs your way.

I am doing an STS rotation as well and have been including what I like to refer to as a "cardio/leg" day. It's basically an additional day of lower body training but I also make sure to include cardio with it-either separately before or after, or with in it as a circuit. The lower body work is very much endurance using light or no weights such as any of Cathe's floor work or conditioning drills plus barre work outs, Squeeze work outs and yes, Tonique work outs! Some of the Tonique work outs have a very heavy cardio factor to them already so you may not even feel the need to add to that. Up to you. This is what I am doing though.

As far as placing it in your rotation...just put it far enough away from STS leg day and you're good to go! :) If you are concerned with the u/b work in Tonique interfering w/a possible STS u/b work out the next day, it's easy enough to leave out/skip the u/b moves.

HTH and that I didn't confuse you more!:eek:
I use them as an extra leg day, not so much for cardio. I am currently doing a rotation of P90X and add Tonique as extra leg work. I am 49 and I feel Tonique just enough of an extra leg workout...
I also was wondering where you would work this workout into my routine. I as well am doing P90x and Tonique, but wasn't sure one what day I should be doing them. Using both of these workouts together seems to really be making a difference. I did realize that since I was starting Tonique, I was having to wear a ankle support on my right ankle. Maybe that is just because I don't have the range my body once did though.
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Thanks for the hug wendy, appreciate it. and no you didn't confuse me more, your info was actually very helpful, thanks

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