Confused about rotating


Hello, Everyone -

I am a little confused about he best way to rotate my tapes. I have read the different rotations other Cathe fans have sent me and have posted here, but I think because I'm missing some of the tapes, I can't really do them faithfully.

I have most of the step tapes, all the CTX tapes, Power Hour, CMAX, IMAX, and Body MAX. I don't have any Pure Strength tapes or any Slow and Heavy tapes. I work out four days in a row then one day off ,four days on, one day off, etc.

I only exercise with tapes. I ride my horse three times a week, but it's not very strenuous, at least not yet.

Here's what I do: I do all the CTX tapes right in a row. When I've done all those, I alternate Cathe's step tapes with "higher intensity" tapes like CMAX, IMAX, Body Max and Power Hour, until I've used all the rest of my tapes.

When I've gone through all the rest of my tapes, I go back to The CTX tapes.

Is that a good enough rotation? I mean, as far as losing weight and building muscle? I seem to be doing OK so far, but I'm wondering what would I be gaining by purchasing the S&H tapes and the Pure Strength tapes that I don't get in the tapes I already own?

Anyway, I hope this post wasn't too confusing! Thanks in advance for any help!

Susan G.
Hi Susan,

Your post says you're doing okay? So in the words of Cathe, "if what you're doing is working for you and giving you the results you want, then stick with it until you stop getting results or the results slow up, then you can shake up your rotation by doing something different."
For me, your rotation would be a little scattered, but that's me, if it's giving you the results you want (weight loss and/or building muscle) then that's all that matters.
I see your strength workouts are more endurance based workouts, so in the future if you ever decide to go with a more strength based workout, both, or either Cathe's Pure Strength Series and Slow & Heavy Series would really benefit your collection, as well as give you a strength workout to "shake up" your muscles when they become too accustomed to the endurance workouts.

But as far as not following a rotation due to lack of specific tapes, I find I usually "doctor" most rotations to suit my needs. Most never have enough cardio in them for me, or I have to sub a tape I don't own, or something is so that I have to change it around to meet my needs anyway. So just work your tapes however it pleases you, but if you're not getting the results you want, then post back and let us know specifically what you desire in terms of results, and I'm positive you'll get many replies/suggestions on how to put together a rotation that will help you achieve what you want. :)

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-05-02 AT 10:00AM (Est)[/font][p]IMO, it's not necessary to get involved in confusing rotations. Sometimes we make things more complicated than they need to be.

Your cardios seem to be all high intensity. How about throwing in some low impact stuff like REALLY brisk walking at least once a week. Would that be possible? Four days a week of high intensity step can be a trifle punishing on your joints.

Here's a suggestion: Just plan to do two days of any step tape (when you're not doing all CTX), the Kickbox tape (cardio only), and one day of walking.

As for weights, you could write down the exercises for all the body parts Cathe does in CTX, up the poundage of your weights, and do them without the tapes. Do lower AND SLOWER reps - in the PS series Cathe usually does about 10 reps for each set of exercises.

That way you can do them like Cathe does PS Back & Biceps by doing CTX Back & Bicep segments together: & Chest, Shoulders & Triceps together, and Leaner legs. Or do each body part every day like you do when you use the CTX series one after the other.

Does this make sense?
Yes, thank you, that does make a little more sense.

See, I thought, "Oh, all I have to do is just do the tapes, one after the other, and the weight should come off, and I should build muscle," but then I started reading all these posts about rotating, and then I thought, "Oh, gee, I guess it's more involved than just popping in one tape after another."

My goal is to lose weight first of all, which I have been slowly but surely, which I know means cardio. My next goal is to shape the muscles nicely, which means the weight lifting tapes.

I am very curvy to begin with. I weigh 164 now (from 177) and I'm 5'3". I don't need to build muscle as such, but would like to look a little more sculpted. I do not want to look like Cathe - as if I could ever get that fit - LOL! But she is a little too muscular for my personal taste - awesome as she looks!

Unfortunately, I have the muscle but you can't see it because the fat is in the way!

Thanks again for the help. I'm going to look again at those rotations I have.


Susan G.

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