Confidentiality between patient and doctor


There is such a thing right? even between your HP and one spouse, and the HP and the other spouse.

Both DH and I have the same HP. When DH had a mole removed from the back of his hand for "better safe than sorry" reasons, I really didnt expect to meet the HP in the street a couple of days ago and have him ask me how DH was doing, and to tell me it was very sensible for him to have the mole removed type of discussion.

Of course I knew DH was having this done, but should the HP HAVE BEEN TELLING me this?............what if DH didnt want me to know about his surgury?

This incident bought back to my memory a comment the HP made months ago when I had just had a smear done, and he informed me that the results were ready, INFRONT of my DH! Of course that was another thing that wasnt a "secret" between DH and me, but now Im thinking, nothing will be private.

Am I just over reacting and its no big deal, or should we just go to another HP?

What are the medical privacy laws between spouses?


In the U.S., they have passed a law Called HIPPA. We can be fined or prosecuted for disclosing any information without written permission from the patient. This includes spouses.

My DH had some cardiac work-up done last year, and when I called the doctors office to check on some of his tests, for insurance reasons, they wouldn't give me any information, even though they new I was his wife and the doctor was a friend of mine. Your HP is in clear violation of the above mentioned law. If his disclosures make you feel uneasy, I would remind him at the next visit that you want things to remain confidential.
I had to sign a consent and list who my MD could give info to the last time I went. I also had to do one for the kids, too. It's a hard situation - we can't even tell another nurse/MD info if they are not directly involved with the patient. When you know it's just a caring situation, it's hard, but it's the law.

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