

I have many things to confess.

First. I was guilty of SERIOUS over-training.

April, May, June I followed Cathe's rotations. I would take a week off inbetweeen to do one of the intensity series rotations that Cathe posted. Then at the end of July, I moved. I had to carry most things down two flights from the old place and up one flight in the new place. I estimated that I climbed somewhere between 80-120 flights of stairs on the move day. Then I crashed!!! I couldn't contemplate working out. I stopped keeping a workout log. Finally when I started to feel better I started with one week of ctx - I had to take the step down to 6" and I had to go a notch or two lighter with the weights. I am just now getting back to speed but I don't think I'll ever be back to an 8" board and I know I am not up to Cathe's rotations. (looking at Sept makes me cry in pain)

Second. I HATE doing leg workouts. I'm sitting here in pain because I did PLB yesterday. I'm trying to figure out what is the MINIMUM leg work I can do and get by.

Third. I have managed to eat on about 9 pounds in the last 18 months. Nobody to blame but me, I know just where it all came from. Problem is, I don't want to go back to my austere diet (using this word in the sense of it being what you eat rather than a regimen) and I'm suspicious of the age thing playing a part although I really HATE to admit that.

Fourth. I am not growing old gracefully. I am kicking and screaming the whole way.

Fifth and finally - I really think the hi/lo section of MIC is boring. I have never enjoyed doing that but I have done it for the pure challenge of it.

Okay. I'm done. Thanks for listening. I'm looking for forgiveness and absolution! ;-)
Hi Joy,
You have certainly made me laugh!! You are forgiven!!! I think we are all guilty of this at one point or another in our lives, and there is nothing wrong with it, well....we are humans!

First, I was guilty of overtraining all the time, up until I stopped working out altogether, and did nothing but Yoga. It was what I needed at that time in my life.

Secondly, I don't hate working my legs, but I don't love it either. It's something I have to do regardless of what my feelings are. You know like having to visit a relative or in-law you really have nothing in common with, it's something one must do!

Third, I also ate up a cow or 2 and thankfully am recovering and watching the extra poundage come off nicely.

Fourth, I'm also kicking and screaming about the age thing :) It's terrible, but thank God for Botox, collagen, surgeons and everything else money can buy! Thank God we do workout, it offers amazing results and always helps all the way around!

Fifth, I'm guilty of never pushing hard enough during the hi/lo of MIC, I just don't feel like it. It's probably, because I know nobody is watching me, but if I were in a classroom, then you bet your buttocks I would! Competitive behavior perhaps??}(

Keep up the great and hard work, it's all we can do for ourselves!

Oh, and Thank you so much for making me laugh today;-)
Oh my gosh, I think the hi/lo section of MIC is the most fun cardio workout ever on video. Major fun factor. Deadly but major fun.
Funny how everybody is so different.

I CAN'T WAIT for the hi/lo on Step, Jump, and Pump.

Joy, you will find much forgiveness with me. I was a serious over exerciser too. Now I do it cause I like it! Claw, scratch, and fight your way to maturity. I am gonna be 30 in a month and have a Brady Bunch lunch box and a Barbie doll in my cubicle at work.

Confession #1 - I love chocolate, ice cream, and donuts. My butt confesses this every time I wear tight pants.

Confession #2 - I get so excited any time "A Little Less Conversation, A Little More Action" comes on in one of the I-Series workouts.

Confession #3 - Every time I hear the song "In The Living Years" I cry. Cathe posted that she will be using that song in the Blast Series - here's to hoping I don't bawl my way through Push/Pull.

Confession #4 - Although I tend to not post as much as I used to, I really miss this board at times. I have met so many great people here and hope we stay linked by our love of fitness for a long time.

Confession #5 - Bees rule! (that was for A-Jock, Jo-Jo, Jules, and MB).
Welcome to the human race . . . or maybe the huWOman race!

1. My blow-off pattern of my Thursday night workout is a near-perfect record since early July;

2. In spite of my feel-good rhetoric about body size and exercise - for - the - health - of - it, just let my jeans fit a little too tightly and see one depressed and ornery A-Jock;

3. (Take a deep breath, A-J) I am a light but consistent (5 per day) cigarette smoker.

How's about them apples, Joy? As the Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book says, "There's a bit of bad in the best of us, and a bit of good in the rest of us." Ego te absolvo.

Wait a second Annette - you're human? I thought anyone who enjoyed Imax as much as you did and added extra intervals all over the place just couldn't be a mere mortal. Hmm, interesting.
I LOVE black legumes! Put 'em in my chili EVERY week! :7
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Confession #1 - I could eat M&M's for breakfast

Confession #2 - I could eat M&M's for lunch

Confession #3 - I could eat M&M's for dinner

Confession #4 - I wouldn't mind having M&M's for my morning and afternoon snack either!

Confession #5 - I'm eating M&M's right now(so I'll have a little extra energy for my early evening workout of course)!:eek:

Edited to add: Hang in there Joy! You'll get your balance back!:7

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