Confession Time

Hi Kay - Your post touched my heart! I know what you mean about weight loss being one of the toughest journey's you have undertaken. I know for me it was because I used to use food to cope and once it was taken away, I had no other crutch (except for exercise and weight loss goals). In a nutshell I found myself spiralling into one eating disorder after another and weight loss became my only goal. I wasn't ready to face why I ate, overate or used weight to bring a sense of purpose and fulfilment in my life. I began to feel like a failure everytime I binged but I couldn't avoid the binges because I was either physiologically starving or emotionally deprived. It set up for a viscious cycle. All I can say is that weight loss can be a noble goal but it should be for the right reasons. Losing weight is a great way to boost your self-esteem, appearance etc. but it can't change you as a person inside or solve all your problems. You need to eventually sort out all those issues that lie beneath your struggle with diet etc. If like me you find yourself having to deal with all those emotional reasons as you lose the weight, then don't fight it. You will come out feeling stronger. It may take you longer than an average person but its worth it. I would also like to add don't starve. No matter how little or perfectly I ate or how many hours I exercised, the weight took its own sweet time coming off. So there is really no point in taking drastic measures. They backfire in any case. There is no quick fix. The weight will come off eventually as long as you fuel up wisely (not too many empty cals) and adequately for most of the time. A few bad days here and there is human and inevitable. Even once you lose the weight your life will not be filled with perfect eating days and you will ride the 10lb here and there roller coaster. So never deprive yourself because how you eat while losing weight is truly a lifestyle. You eat that way for so long that it becomes a habit. I either starved or dieted for so long that I still find it hard to eat normally and I still have to control binging because of all the deprivation I put myself through. Long post but hope something somewhere helped you. Sending you loads of good luck and hugs. You will do this but don't stress too much about it and most importantly, get on with your life while it is happening. Take care.

PS - I love cinnamon rolls too! I had one yesterday morning and it was worth it! With Cathe you can afford a few indulgences. Food is one of life's pleasures too. Its not worth ruling that out.

You know these forums are so great and the way you and I have had our bad days I think is good proof to kay that noone is perfect and we all have our good days (and bad days) but a bad day now and then does not mean failure. It just means you need to pick yourself right back up.

I saw that picture that was posted of you a while back and you look sooooo amazing so you must be doing somthing right! You and I are different races but I am still convinced that deep down we are seperated sisters LOL!!!! The most supportive people in my life are not blood related to me. Sometimes those that are blood related are the cruelest :(

Your description of your pregancy binge before labor hit home with me. You don't gain 65 lbs with each pregnancy unless you have some serious overeating going on and thats what I did. In my last 3 months with each of them I hit the fast food places hard figuring - hey this is IT, once the baby comes I'm losing. It took me 3 babies to finally get back on track after.

Kay, you CAN do this.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-18-03 AT 12:37PM (Est)[/font][p]Kay - A big cyber hug to you:)

Fallen off the wagon?? I think that is why wagons are made with such low sides on them... it is about as easy to fall out as it is to get in - hee hee:) The hard part is holding on thru the bumps, xmas cookies and other challenges.

Don't get down on yourself. Even though your day of eating may have been higher in calories than you would like.... I think you still did pretty good! I don't see any ice cream, chocolate, chips, cookies, etc. Pretty healthy food.....

Just pick up the pieces and go on. Today and tomorrow are different days than yesterday that is in the past. I think we have all been where you are and I know how depressing it can get. However, we just have days (or months) like those. I always just remember the good days... and think "I have done this before... I can do it again".

I agree with so many of the other posts that fitness is such a life journey. It is not easy and there are days I just want to give up and say "hey, who cares what i look like... I'd just rather eat that hershey bar." But then the good days make me feel so good.

That's why you have all of us here. People who understand and people who will listen.

When I have a really bad day I do what one of the other posters says and I try to focus more on the fiber and fruit. I find that helps me stay fuller. If I eat a couple bananas or apples early in the day I have a lot more contron.

Hang in there! You are strong! Maybe you just need a few days OFF the wagon to have the strength to stay in the wagon!!!

Hope you are feeling better soon :)
-LuvCardio If Only I Can Be 1/2 the Woman my Dog Thinks I am!

You are very insightful and wise. I heartily agree with everything you say. Kay is so fortunate to have so many wonderful responses.


Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself. -Eleanor Roosevelt

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