Complimentary Training


I love your DVD's and find them to be the most helpful, challenging and carefully instructed of all the DVD's out there.

I am currently training for the Half Marathon with a mileage of about 30 miles per week, including one long run of 10-15 miles on Sundays. Which of your workouts do you feel would best compliment my training? I currently do the Pure Strength workouts; one segment every alternate day. I am just wondering if one long workout might be more suitable, or if I should lighten up the weights a bit while training for the run.

Also, I am 44 years old and having a very hard time losing weight even with the increased running mileage and PS training. Any suggestions to move that scale would be most appreciated. (I even tested the scale with weights to see if it were really stuck!!!)

Thank you so much for your time and help. Looking forward to the new DVD's here in Canada!:)

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