Compilation DVDs To Buy or Not To Buy? :-)


Hello fellow Cathletes! I have all of Cathe's DVDs except for the compilation DVDs: Terminator, Timesaver, Hardcore Extreme, and Cardio Fusion. I was wondering if I should go ahead and finish my collection.
I would like to know what you all think about the compilation DVDs. Do you like them and feel like they were a worthwhile investment? I didn't buy them in the past because I felt like I didn't need them since I had the DVDs that they were made from. Now I'm beginning to have second thoughts. I would love to hear everyone's opinion.
Thanks for the help! :)
I had the same thoughts as you--at first I thought I didn't need them, but then changed my mind. I have all of the compilations but have not done the Timesaver one yet. My favorite is Terminator. I ADORE that DVD. I love every workout on it, but I also love the series, so having the workouts in new ways is great. Hardcore Extreme is another great one--I love two of the workouts on that, but not crazy about Interval Circuit. Interval Blast + legs is super hard--much harder than any of the workouts it compiles on their own. I usually skip the "legs" at the end which brings the workout to 55 minutes. Cardio Fusion I really like but have mixed feelings about. It uses the bonus step in Body Max 2 without teaching you any of the step moves before hand so it is very confusing when you come to that bonus. Also, for some reason all of the premixes on that DVD use the same warm up and cool down rather than rotating the warm ups and cool downs from all of the workouts that it is compiling from. That bothered me and IMHO makes the premixes all so similar as to be useless. But I do like the main Cardio Fusion workout.
I only have the Hardcore Extreme compilation out of all the ones you mentioned. If you are looking for some super advanced cardio w/o's, I definitely suggest you add that one to your collection! OMG it is so TOUGH :eek:. I mean super, super killer! The Interval Blasts + Legs is by far one of the toughest w/o's (if not the toughest!) in Cathe's collection IMO. Get it...if you dare :eek::D;).
Ladies (Natasha and Jen),

I have just red your comment on both Hardcore extreme and Terminator.

I am going to try out on them tomorrow.
I am not sure which one to go for as I did High step challenge yesterday.

To Tonyakay,

I would recommend Terminator and Hardcore extreme having done most of original workout.
I love cathe's IMAXES. Cardio fusion is the only cathe's workout I gave away. When I gave it to a friend, I was not sure it was a good decision. Now I realise I am simply not a big fan of long steady pace cardio. So I have no regret.

All the best,
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Ladies (Natasha and Jen),

I have just red your comment on both Hardcore extreme and Terminator.

I am going to try out on them tomorrow.
I am not sure which one to go for as I did High step challenge yesterday.

I did High Step Challenge this morning--LOVE that workout. One of my favorites. I like it by itself so much better than the Hardcore Extreme compilation. However, those other two Hardcore Extreme workouts are killer. Especially Interval Blast. Now that I am doing STS, I am having fun creating my own rotations around STS. That means lots of HIIT/tabata workouts, Imax and those wonderful compilations! I'll also still be doing some Xtrain of course.
High step challenge

High step challenge is one of my favourite DVD too Jen.

I love the barbell curl time! It burns big time but somehow the music take my mind away from the burn!:D:D.

It is fast pace all the way till the end. Love it too

You are doing great in your cardio choice. Me and you are definitely on the same page! Hiit/tabata is the way to go ;-)

Take care,
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mixed feelings

I love the terminator but don't have all of intensity series so there isn't any repetition for me.

the timesaver I have mixed feelings on. part of my mixed feelings is about the concept of short cardio then short weights as a timesaver. :confused: I usually like to hit one thing hard if I am short on time but variety is good too. I actually just completed a week of just this disc because I was recovering from the flu and had not tried it yet. it is definitely easier because of length and format than full workouts. I don't have a lot of cardio and weights together unless they are circuit which these are not. they are cardio then weights. I don't think it is worth it. the additional footage is good and is different but not dramatically different and pretty short really. the additional footage is only strength work. cardio is all repeat. most of the discs is repetition.
hope this helps and makes sense:)
Hi Ladies,

Thank you all for the information. It was very helpful. I think I am going to go ahead and get Terminator, Hardcore Extreme, and Cardio Fusion, and wait on Timesaver. I'm going to tread lightly with the interval blast +legs on Hardcore Extreme! If I am not fond of the workouts, I can always give them away. (Great idea nckfitheart2009 :) )I have a couple of friends that are now Cathletes who would be happy to take them off my hands. :)

How is STS going? I have had it for over a year and have yet to try it. I am a little intimidated because I'm not sure I did the 1RMs correctly. The weights seem a little off, either that or I am a whole lot stronger than I thought I was and am going to be very sore! I think I'm going to mix in Shock Cardio and Low Impact Series for cardio.
I have all of these DVDs that came with pre-orders. Never used them, never will.

It seems to me that there is little that they offer that you cannot put together for yourself.

They just have never appealed to me. If I want a balls-to-the-wall, bust-a-gut-workout, I will always choose the 8 mile run followed by an hour's weight training over any of these compilations. My endurance test has to mean something to me. These compilations just don't tempt at all.

If you have $ to spend, save it for future workouts releases, with FRESH material. Compilations are never fresh material.


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