On the other hand, I have to agree about Chalean Extreme. There is no system that has given me the results that set has given me. I have completed P90X, STS and Xtrain rotations several times and haven gotten decent results and loved the results of all for different reasons, but every time I add those Chalean Extreme weight workouts to any rotation, people literally stop me to ask about my arms or my legs. I am currently doing a rotation where I added the weight workouts of Chalean Extreme 3 times a week and I'm getting my cardio from other trainers to mix things up. I'm basically doing the weight workouts for three months (as suggested, 1 month of Burn, 1 month of Push, and 1 month of Lean). I'm about to start my third week of Push and I really like the results. Of course with Chalean Extreme, the best phase is Lean so I can't wait to see when I get there. This is my third time doing Chalean Extreme (first time I did it as suggested with all the cardio and ab workouts of the set, second time I added more cardio, this time I mostly do the weight workouts and add some of the cardios of the set, but I'm not doing it as suggested and I'm still getting amazing results) and combining them with a really clean diet (I also use myfitnesspal app to track my calories), I know I will be more than ready for tank top season.