Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good afternoon,

I waked today.

Debbie - nice job yesterday. Love my hair :)

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in today. Good night.

Today I did ICE Chiseled Upper Body. I must have hurt my wrist in yoga:confused: wasn't able to do some of the push-ups.

Belinda - Do you still get your hair done in DC?

Hey guys. It has been a crazy couple of days. Tuesday DS had a game, Wednesday one DS had swim practice, the other baseball practice, and I had a union meeting to boot, Thursday was DS's concert and Friday I was exhausted. Needless to say, I did not get my scheduled workouts in. At first I was mad at myself, but then I thought about it and I think I needed a break from workouts as I had been doing 6 workouts a week for the last few months. Saturday I was back at it with Hard Strikes. Today I did RWH LBC. That workout is a killer boy.

Not sure what is going on with the guy I am supposed to be running against for union rep in my building. He was out the last few days. The nominating meeting is tomorrow. I am a bit nervous, but it is really just a formality before the actual vote. The vote itself is May 25th.

So Cathe finally announced what her new product is. . . I am a bit disappointed. I am not into the whole barre workouts and I don't need a piece of equipment that takes up space. What are your thoughts? Are you buying it?

Belinda- I would love to be fitbit friends! How do we do that? I tried to get you guys on facebook, but you aren't listed under fitbit users.

Deb- sorry I was MIA. The week got the best of me. I feel like I am crawling to the finish line at the end of the school year, lol. This month needs to pick up the speed, haha.

BB tomorrow.

Kirstin - hope you find out soon what is going on with the guy. I was disappointed in Cathe's Announcement too. I have the old tower. I wouldn't recommend the tower for barre or using it for a squat rack :) I posted about this on the Open Forum. The tower is to short for heavy squats, it's actually dangers, IMO :( and those 2 metal bars that running across the floor, you feel them then doing barre workouts :) The tower was a wast of my money. I ended up buying a real full size squat rack. I use my kitchen counter or a chair for barre workouts. I am not interested in the dvd's either. I have enough beginner barre workouts. I do like the yoga mat/bands and blocks. Again, I already have everything. I am thinking donating my tower to Goodwill. It does make a good towel holder :D Can you pm me your email address? I can add you through that. I didn't connect my fitbit on FB :)
ood morning,

Quick check in, my workout is done. I will post later what I did, need to shower and get ready for a doc appointment.

Have a great Monday, everyone. BBL!
Back to report my workout : today I did JF Montana Step & Weights + Tetons Abs and Core. I also did XTrain Lower Body.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day.
Well I got my workout in. . . A little later than I planned, but it's done. I did RWH LI Hiit 2 plus bonus abs 2.

I also walked Baxter and played outside with him. Belinda and I are not Fitbit friends. Deb, you want to get in on the fun?

So DS had his tournament yesterday and his team won. It was tainted though because my DH got into an argument with the other asst coach (DH is the other asst coach). The Asst coach was yelling at his son for something and then his son blamed my son and he started yelling at my son for it. Mind you, we were winning. My DH told him to relax and the guy went off and told my husband to shut up. DH told him not to speak to him like that and it got heated. After the game, my DH tried to talk it over with the guy but he wanted nothing to do with it. The guy called the head of the corporation to file a complaint against my DH and even lied saying my DH cursed at his wife, which is untrue and ridiculous. The worst part is this will not be resolved until next week because DH is going away for work tomorrow and now I have to take DS to his game by myself. I plan on saying nothing to these wackos. I just hope they have the good sense to not say anything to me.

Should be fun!


Yesterday I did a Ballet Beautiful barre workout. Today was yoga & a butt bible workout. Not much else going on but may have to go to another funeral again this week, my BIL sister's husband, it's getting depressing:(

Belinda - I have a Dr. appt. tomorrow too! I have to go right myself a note not to eat in the morning LOL.

Kristin - I haven't been using my fitbit but if I do will become friends. I like barre workouts but will wait see if any are int/advanced. I have a barre like piece of equipment so I can't get another one. I'm rooting for you to win the vote!!! That is terrible about the asst. coach (he sounds crazy) maybe he has too much time on his hands. Good luck at the game.

Good morning,

I did Mt. Rushmore Step= 24 min and CRUNCH Yoga Sculpt = 40 min. That's it for me today.

Debbie - hope your doc appointment went well today. I have another one tomorrow afternoon. Good job on all your workouts. If you are looking into another barre equipment, I wouldn't recommend the tower. I don't even use mine and the new one is shorter :( I use my countertop or a chair, works really well.

Kirstin - yesterday you kicked some butt on the Fitbit Challenge :) WTG! I am also I'm rooting for you to win the vote!!

Cookie - hope you doing well :)

Happy Hump Day, everyone.

Today I did Great Glutes (slide & glide, stability ball & bonus workout). My Dr.'s appt. was so long, they had an emergency so I was bumped. They had a hard time drawing blood so took from both of my arms. The nurse said even though I was fasting I should drink lots of water so my veins show, of course now they are LOL.

Belinda - Along time ago I bought the fludity bar & a portable ballet bar so I really can't fit more equipment especially if we move to Florida some day;) I see you did a Crunch dvd, they are opening a Crunch gym real close to my house in June.

Kristin - I should see if my fitbit is working:)

Good morning,

I am done with JF Aspen Step Aerobics + Aspen Lower/Upper Body.

Debbie - if you have the fludity bar & a portable ballet bar you don't need the tower, JMO! I am downsizing too :) I am getting rid of a lot of stuff we don't use. That must have been frustrating about the blood yesterday:( Next time you know what to do :D

I have another doc appointment today, need to shower and get ready. I will try to be back later for personals. Happy Hump Day, everyone.
Kirstin and Debbie - Just in case you are wondering :D I was lucky to receive a preview copy of Step Across America to test the workouts :p In my opinion this is so far her best program.
Hey guys. Just finished my workout for today. I did XTrain Supercuts today. I am trying to keep my steps above `10,000, so I have been doing a lot of playing with Baxter and running in the backyard with him. DH is away this week and I am playing single mom today.

Sooo. . . a little update on the BB team situation. I took DS to his game and the wife of this neanderthal was there. She said hi to me very lowly, and I said hi back very lowly and then she said rather loudly, "Oh whatever." Very nastily. The way a high school girl twit would, if we were in high school, which last I checked, we are not. I didn't say anything. I recently came across this Robin Williams' quote on the Internet: "Sometimes the best response is no response. Even fools seem smart when they are quiet." I just watched the game and cheered for the team. I really cannot stand how some parents behave when it comes to travel baseball. I have kept to myself since last year and I intend to keep it that way.

Belinda- Step Across America sounds interesting. Who is the instructor?

Deb- I am not going to buy the bar and dvds. Barre is not for me TBH. I hardly ever do turbo barre.

Okay, I'm off to shower.

BB tomorrow.


I took a rest day today. We took DH's godchild to a castle park, dinner & ice cream he goes home to Florida on Sunday. I used to take my boys to this park a long time ago it brought back memories. I haven't had ice cream in a long time & it was so good! The lines were long with sports teams & it was late & cold:confused:

Belinda - I have the same question as Kristin, which instructor? & how much fun to preview a dvd!!

Kristin - Great quote by Robin Williams & kudos for using it:) She was probably expecting you to be angry. I can see how barre isn't for everyone. I have a friend that only does barre but that is too much for me.

Good morning,

There is the link : Must have, IMO! I get lots off step counts with these workouts and did I mention......they are are lot of fun :D

Debbie - hope you had fun yesterday taking your DH's godchild to a castle park, dinner & ice cream.

Kirstin - Ditto what Debbie said :) I do a lot and really like barre workouts, I am not a big fan of Turbo Barre :( Sorry!

I will be back to report my workout :)
Good morning,

This morning I did Chicago March and Step = 23 min, I had over 3000 steps:pNot bad, hah? I also did a walk.

Have a great day, everyone.

Today I took a yoga class. We went to the funeral for my BIL's, BIL. Someone called my DH because they thought he was the BIL who passed. I said to DH isn't that strange to call someone's phone that you think died. I guess thank God he answered LOL.

Belinda - That was a lot of steps!! Will you continue to preview the JF Step dvd? It look really interesting & I have been to some of those places:)

Kristin - How much longer are you a single parent?

Good morning,

Malibu Step = 43 min (4428 steps:p) + Aspen Lower/Upper Body = 33 min. Not bad for a step count for a 43 min step workout, hah? I also use a 4" step high.

Debbie - yes, I will continue to review the JF step dvd's :) They are very interesting and no jumping :) I been to some of those places too :)

Have a great Friday, everyone.

Today I did Butt Bible. DS & gf are going to NC next week so DH & I will have the house to ourselves. We are going to go for a bite to eat so will jump in the shower:)

Belinda - You are the perfect person to review a DVD! It sounds like fun & like no jumping.

Waves hi Kristin & Cookie


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