Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

Yesterday I saw the cardiology he ordered a ton of blood work before I saw him. He isn't sure if I have pulmonary hypertension. I do have an enlarged artery from my lung to my heart. He wants me to get a coronary CT scan and get an Echocardiogram to check my arteries. I can't make the appointments until Monday. My LDL is high , he started me on statin. He believes the prednisone is causing cardiovascular disease like plaque in the arteries. ThoHe also ordered 7 day zio cardiac monitor which I should get next week. I need to get off the prednisone for RP. My Rheum and I will discuss different meds for RP when I see him in 2 weeks.

Debbie - I am sorry your mom hurt her foot. Glad it isn't a fracture. I hope with lots of rest she is up and running again.

Cookie - hope you having lots of fun.


Today was a walk outside. It's been hot here needed to put the a/c on. Hopefully we have more Spring days ahead instead of Summer too quickly.

Belinda - (((HUGS))) sorry you are going through so much. It's good that you see the Rheum Dr. in 2 weeks and can discuss changing the meds.

Cookie - Have fun in Nashville!

Happy Mother's Day!!

Yesterday I ended up doing an hour barre workout.

Debbie - thank you for all your support. I will call the Rheum tomorrow. It sure is getting warm in the house. I have the AC running during the day or I fall asleep from the heat.

Cookie - have fun!

I will be back later.
Happy Mother’s Day!!!

I hope you both had a nice day, the weather was beautiful! We took a nice walk and went to a late lunch with my SILs and my niece who is pregnant. We will celebrate next weekend with the boys and my Mom.

Belinda - Nice barre workout. Barre workouts are one of my favorites. After tomorrow, this week is supposed to be cooler here, hopefully by you too.

Cookie - My SIL from TN said today was going to be real hot,


Today was a walk outside & ran errands. Not much else to report.

Belinda - I hope you were able to get your appointments.

Cookie - Can't wait to hear about your trip.

Good morning,

I thought I checked in yesterday? I went for a long walk outside and did SBF Cardio Barre.

Debbie - great job with your walk outside. It's beautiful. I was able to get an appointment for a CT scan with contrast on Monday and the Echocardiogram is on June 8. I will call the end of this week maybe I can get in sooner. The CT scan should tell me if I have PH or not. I had a CT scan done last week, it said I possibly have PH with the enlarged arteries. Like I have not enough going on with RP. I also have an appointment next week with my Rheum.

Cookie - I hope you recover from all your trip.

I will be back later.

Today was a walk outside & lower body at the gym. The gym has been quiet which is nice.

Belinda - Nice walk & barre work! It’s good you were able to get the CT scan. Hopefully they can get you in sooner for the other appointment. It’s good you see Rheum next week.

Waves hi to Cookie


Today was a walk outside. I probably will do a light weight workout. I need it.

Debbie - the doctor pushed for me to get the CT scan sooner. I can't go month without a diagnose like PH. The CT scan will shed a lot of light on what is going on with PH and my arteries. I wished I had the test behind me already, getting very nerves. Good job on your walk and LB workout at the gym. That is nice your guys is quiet. You have the entire gym for yourself.

Waving Hi to Cookie.

Have a great day and workout.
'Evening! Finally checking back in. Got in a lot of steps in Nashville. Have some paperwork to do yet tonight for session tomorrow in the middle of the state. And I hate paperwork!

Deb, sorry about your mom. Was she worried afterward? I think it must be very frightening for them. Your lunch sounds nice. When is your niece due?

Belinda, glad you're getting some info back. Hope they can get you in for a scan quick.

Today I walked outside. I will do some stretching/yoga later.

Debbie - hope you doing well.

Cookie - I hope I get more info back on Monday. I am very nerves about the CT scan with contrast. I never had anything done with contrast. I am glad you had a lot of fun and got in a lot of steps.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me.

Today was a walk outside & yoga. Also had book club tonight, a lot of people didn't like the book.

Belinda - Nice walk today & stretching. Hopefully you get the results quickly.

Cookie - It sounds like you had a nice trip but I'm sure it left you tired. Hopefully your weekend will be restful.

'Evening! Happy STS2 Day! Got in an arms workout this morning. A friend got a puppy last week and then asked me this morning if I could walk him at lunch time. It was such a nice break in the middle of the day, and he is simply adorable.

Deb, you're the one who turned me on to yoga - at the first Roadtrip I went to. Think of you every time I do it. What was the book your club read? Mine has The Swimmers. I was really loving the writing, but then at the middle the main character is dealing with dementia, and that's hitting a little close to home for me still. Absolutely loved Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers and the Finley Donovan series.

Belinda, I've had the contrast done, and it just shows a more clear image. What plans do you have for the weekend?

Today was a walk outside & core workout. It’s hard to believe but the last 2 nights the heat came on. Happy I didn’t take my comforter off the bed LOL.

Belinda - I hope all is well.

Cookie - I didn’t get STS 2, I’m hoping by Monday. The book was “Crying in H Mart”. The host actually went to H Mart (Korean food store) and bought foods from the book. It was a great idea. DHs Godchild the one we take out and now lives in Nashville is Korean/American. His Grandmother always use to offer us Korean dinner but we were full from taking him out for the day. I forgot about RT class what turned you on to yoga:).

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Good morning,

Yesterday I walked and did yoga. sorry for not checking in yesterday. Busy day.

Debbie - I am fine. We got our new couch set yesterday. Trying to get rid off the old one plus office furniture. Great job on your walk and core workout. I am still running the heater at night. Look in your spam folder. That was the first presale where I found it in the spam folder.

Cookie - I read a lot of people are allergic to the contrast, especially if you have thyroid problems. I am sure it will be ok. Puppies are the best. The older people in my neighbor hood love Sadie. Did you get STS2? No plans this weekend. How about you?


Today was a walk outside, got caught in the rain. It wasn’t too bad was dressed for it. We went to my Moms to celebrate Mother’s Day with the boys. Her foot is still bothering her next week they ordered an MRI.

Belinda - Great getting in yoga & walk. How exciting your couch came in:). I did find the email for presale a label has been created, thanks for the heads up!

Cookie - I hope you are having a relaxing weekend.

Good morning,

Walk is done. I will do some yoga later. Tomorrow I have the CT scan. I will check in afterwards.

Debbie - sorry you got caught in the rain yesterday. Hope your mom had a wonderful Mother's Day yesterday with the boys. Good luck with her MRI next week.

Cookie - hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Today was a walk outside, it was nice out. I made too much dinner tonight, I guess lots of leftovers.

Belinda - Nice day for a walk! Good luck tomorrow with your CT scan.

Waves hi to Cookie


My appointment was at 11 am. I left Radiology after 3 pm. Long day. One of their CT scans wasn't working. . Everyone in Radiology was very nice and explained everything. The procedure it self didn't take long, the set up took the longest. He radiologist couldn't find a vain to put the IV in. I was dehydrated by the time I was in the scan. They also had a doctor on side, in case something happened. He went over everything with me. The scan was quick.I was suppose to go over the results with my Cardiologist after the scan. I hope to get the results tomorrow. My head hurts and I am tired.

Debbie - thank you.Leftovers are great. Great job on your walk.

Hallo Cookie!

I will be back tomorrow.

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