Hey girls,
Man i didn't have a good night last night :-(, first i couldn't sleep so i decided to wait until DH got home around 11:15.Then,I didn't get into the bed until 12:30 and Both of my kids wake up during the nigt with nightmares x( .
Warning:::The following may be considered a VENT or crybaby Whining::
What the hell is wrong with me lately? It started saturday with an Ill/Sad feeling,sunday i felt better but had to fight very strong urges to EAT! Yesterday Im STILL fighting urges to eat leftover cake,cookies,icecream...Why is food all of a sudden bothering me? For the first time since starting BFL am having problems x( I hAVE to confess something to you girls,yesterday after I put the kids in the bed,i ate my last snack.But it DIDN'T stop there,i went on to eat icecream(moosetracks x( all that was left was about a cup) and then some salty/fatting/greasy chips(about a serving)??? Then of course after eating that crap the overwhelming guilt comes,im just so tired of this Sh*t! This is the first 'cheat' during the wk that ive had since being on BFL! Why do I sabatoge myself like that! Atleast I ate BFL freindly the rest of the day :-(! I Know that i should have just shut off the light in the kitchen,grab my water and head to the bedroom to watch tv,like I usually do-to avoid food! x(
Im sorry girls,Im sorry you guys have read me whining Agian about my wieght/food issues! I tried to talk to my mom about it but she's no help-she still compares me to my former self,my fat size-22 former self. I know Ive come along way....but she insist that i look great,and that im too strict on myself and hard on myself,i don't want to here that crap!! I wanna here,get you A$$ together and get back to work!
My DH is comforting,he did say that it took me a while to get to a size 22 and it will take a while to get to where i want to be,that DOES make since! Ive been a size 14 for over a year now,i just want to pull on those size 7's agian? I won't get there by eating like I did last night!! But you can bet I WILL GET THERE!
Im also worried about my sister,you guys know she is eight months pregnate,well since she has been pregnate, she hasn't been exactly excited about her baby! I haven't been honest with you guys about it! She's talking about giving her up for adoption...which just breaks my heart completely ;(! Its a long story,and iam already crying about it now...i just can't think about it!I might not get the chance to know my niece,my own flesh and blood. Maybe thats what wrong with me lately?
Alright,its time to snap out of it before my DD sees me crying,Todays workout is imax2 and lord know how I need it!
Belinda-i may be ordering 4DS in a couple of wks

,do I really need it,lol;-) Great workout this morning!
ETA-im reading yesterdays thread so i may edit a few times;-)
Cheryl-your meals look good! Are you ever hungry? when i use to eat three meals a day,i would be starving by bedtime! I still get hungry now,but since eating the 6 mini meals a day,i know the next meal isn't too long away,LOL! Wow your doing so Awesome
Lori-I didn't get a chance to reply to your workout yesterday...

,your a machine!!! Are you jogging at a 8% incline? OMG,i haven't even touched my incline yet? You go girl!