Good Morning girly girls!
Todays workout is a doosie since i decided to take yesterday off. I will start by doing some abbs-PH&PUB, Then do gs-chest and tricep,then a 45min runiveral on the treadie! So in other words,im going to do a workout that is similar to what Lori does everyday;-)
Im proud of myself because last night i had some urges to eat,nothing too bad,but they were definitely there. They always come toward the end of the weekx( so I grapped my water and headed to the back to watch my poor braves lose agian:-( What is up with them lately?man there getting there but kicked by the colorado rockiesx(.
Kristine-great job with B&G's yesterday,that one is tough! High fives! I will be doing it on friday and cursing at cathe during the one-legged squats}(
Cheryl-have a safe flight home!!!
Sara-I think you have hit the nail on the head with this statement "perhaps I'm causing this injury to linger instead of heal" .Wise Women;-).
Lori-Hight fives on your healthy eating and water intake....and another high fives on the scale! Glad to hear you tummy is getting better! Maybe you just had a pinch of a weak stomach bug?
Belinda-Enjoy your workout girlfried! Your leaving tommorrow right?
bbl after my workout!
hey to everybody that follows!
Everybody have a wonderful day,I will bbl after my workout