Commit to get fit and lean for Sun Mar 16th 2008


Good morning girls,

Today is a rest day for me!

MC**Welcome! My DH is active duty! We are stationed in Grafenwoehr Germany! How long did you stay in? Congrats on your weight loss!

Lori** I am sorry to hear you sister is sick! Hope she feels better soon!

Amelia**Mexican food sounds good! Glad you enjoyed your free day! How is your ankle today?

Cheryl** great job on your weight loss! WTG!

Enjoy your workout and day!
Hey belinda,enjoy your rest day today!
my ankle is doing better,maybe a workout in tommorrow!The swelling as greatly reduced since friday night:),perhaps it wasn't as serious as i thought is was(i can be a bit dramatic:eek:;-))

Hey to the rest of the gang:)
Hi, everyone! 45 min TM, then B&G abs and Section 2 from Stretch Max is on tap for me. That should take me 80 minutes. Woo hoo!

Belinda, enjoy that rest day.

Amelia, I'm so glad to hear your ankle is doing so much better. That's awesome, awesome news.

MC, welcome!

Lori, that's great news that it's your prescriptions that may have cause your weight to jump for a bit. I knew it had to be something like that, as hard as you workout out and as closely as you watch that.

Hello to everyone else who may follow -

Good Morning:)

How is everyone? Soooo happy tonight is my last night shift at work! Ugh..we have a new contract therefore there is fuel being delivered at all hours of the morning. The phone is driving me nuts, making it hard to get a few z's at work!

Todays workout is suppose to be a long run but we will see how far I get. As long as I punch 6 miles I am o.k. I should be able to do it shortly b/c DS is soon going to be ready for a nap:)

Belinda** Enjoy your rest day!

Ameila** Glad to hear you ankle is alot better. Prehaps you just twisted it or somthing?

Cheryl** Good job with the workout! Nice to have it done, isn't it?

I think I will tidy up a little,then workout and then I have to do my MIL's hair! My day is full!

Ah, another lazy weekend day. So enjoyable when you don't have to worry about rushing to work, etc.

I think today may be a weights day, but I am kinda hankering for another run:) I doubt my SIL will want to go on another, since she worked a 12 hour shift in the ER. We will see...

As soon as I clean myself up, I will put some pics of my new hair. I am getting used to it, it's always a shock to get it done, and then you love it.

Lori-I have heard that, esp drugs like anti-depressants, birth control etc, can cause bloating/weight gain. I try not to take any drugs, even OTC stuff. But, as long as you are feeling better, that is the important thing.

Amelia-What did the dr say? It was a sprain? Do you have to tape it up, or just lay off it for awhile?

Cheryl-great job on your new weight loss achievement! Wow, 10lbs by April 7, that is a great goal, good job.

MC-welcome to our group! I can't believe you have a 140 mile commute. That is unreal~ When do you have time to workout, and what time to do you wake up/go to bed? I am tired just reading that.

Hi to everyone I missed. BBl
Good Morning Ladies!

Today was a nice day to sleep in especially after having to rush out to the b-day party yesterday morning. It was so nice not to have to rush out the door this morning! Our plans with friends got cancelled last night so we were so happy to stay in and relax!

MC-welcome to the group!!!

Cheryl-congrats on the are seriously kicking some butt!

Amelia-I'm glad to hear your ankle is doing better! I know how scary it can be getting an injury. Last month, I was attending an advanced step class at my gym regularly. It was taught by this dr. phil'ish looking guy (face and body) that loved to wear unitards. He'd have us all doing these crazy pylometric drills off of steps with two sets of risers. This man, while kind of rolly polly looking...could seriously kick his leg over his head! Anywho...I somehow twisted my knee in one of his classes and it was so scary. I hated having to keep off of it, but after going easy on step cardio for a couple of's finally back to normal! Unfortunately, I haven't returned to the class! I think Cathe's step routines are a lot safer!

Lori and Carrie--hope you both were able to get your runs in!

Hello to everyone I else I missed. Did everyone see the new STS blog pics. I CANNOT wait!!!!

I'm excited to get going so I can finally try out my bodymax2 DVD! I think I'm going to do it all the way through so I can familiarize myself with the routines before I try out the premixes!

Be back later to check in!!!
Hi girls,

Amelia** I am glad your ankle is feeling better today!

Cheryl**WTG on your workout this morning!

Lori** hope you get your 6 mil. in today!

Carrie** enjoy your weight workout today!

Sara** how did you like BM2?

Enjoy your weekend!
Weigh in was 129.0 this morning. Another 1/2 lb. gone.
With 16 days left in March, I have 9 left to go. I would love to make it. May take until April 7, but that's okay. Have I mentioned I signed up for a Utah's Fittest Executives contest? They assess me on 4/7.

Carrie, I'll look forward to hearing what you choose for your workout today. Let us know.

Sara, you will love BM2. That's quite a project to finish it all in one go - it may take you two days - did you start it yesterday?

Lori, enjoy your run - I hope you get it. Now you have to, since I'm working so hard to catch back up with you, girl }( }( ;-)

Belinda, enjoy your rest day - and don't cheat TOO much!! :+

Talk to you gals later,
Good morning, ladies!

Belinda - I was Air Force for 7 years and DH was Army for 7 years. I really never went anywhere cool (California, Texas, Georgia, and now Maryland), but DH did spend a year in Korea. Thanks for the congrats on my weight loss. :)

Amelia - I'm so glad to hear that the swelling has gone down. It's a total bummer when you injure yourself to the point of not being able to workout! I hope you're back to 100% soon!

Cheryl - Thank you for the welcome! :)

Carrie - Yeah, we have a 140 mile round trip commute, 70 miles there and back. It's pretty awful, to be honest, but we bought a house up here in September 2005 and the housing market totally crashed around this area about 9 months after we bought it, so we're stuck here for at least another 2 years waiting to be able to sell it for at least what we owe on it. We go to bed around 9PM, wake up at about 4AM, and I usually workout around 7:30-8PM, shower, and go straight to bed.

Savvychica - Thanks for the warm welcome! Your avatar is stunning. I own BM2 but I haven't done it yet... let us know how it is!

Well, today is a rest day for me (well, rest from workouts... there's always a lot of other stuff to get done!) I hope you all have a great Sunday. :)

Quickly checking in!! I just finished bodymax 2...made it through all 90 minutes!!! I'm so excited!!!! I'm totally spent right now...but it feels great to have made it all the way through on my first try. I think taking yesterday off...helped me rest up. You guys were IS an amazing workout!! My HR was already up in the 75% range by the end of the warm up alone. The soundtrack is really helped keep me going. I can't wait to give some of the premixes a try. Tomorrow I'm back to my P90x rotations, but I may try a cardio premix on one of my cardio days.

Congrats on another .5 down Cheryl!

Alright time to shower! TTYL Ladies!!
Yayyy, Savvychica!

Just checking in after my p.m. workout - realized that I couldn't do UB today because I did shoulders from 4DS yesterday (duh!) so I did the bonus sections of B&G - abs, sit-n-stands, step ups and ball glute squeezes - plus StretchMax 2 for a total of 45 minutes. So that plus the TM gives me a 90 min workout today, but split in half.
Glad to be done!

Have a nice night, everyone!

Hey Girls!

What a busy day! Im kinda happy I am at work to tell you the truth. I got up around 11 and was o.k when I woke but my mood changed on a dime. Boy, I turned into a bit*h fast! hehe I think I was irritated b/c I was cleaning up the house and everyone leaves everything everywhere. Then I got to thinking,"I shouldn't have to work 41 hours this weekend and clean!" I knew that if I didn't get on my TM right away that I would have tore a peice out of someone. By the time I was finished my run, my mood had came around:)
So I did a 8 mile run. And nothing abs....nutt'in!:)

Carrie** I love looking at I will be waiting!:7

MC** Hope your enjoying your rest day!

Cheryl** Good grief misses! A night out with DH and you are still down!? Although, Im sure you behaved yourself. What would happen on this diet if you strayed even the slightest bit?

Sara** Glad you enjoyed your relaxing morning. I love getting up in the morning, getting my coffee and having to go noWHERE!

Is that all the personnals? I guess I will chat with you ladies in the morning!
Lori - This diet is so strict that you really get pummeled if you stray from it. In the same way it puts you into straight fat burning, if you eat simple carbs during that cycle - like even a cookie - it would stop your losses for up to 3 days and maybe even cause a slight gain. So that's the flip side of it.

That's why you stay lo-cal for 3 days after stopping the supplement to make sure it's completely out of your system before you start introducing more calories and a few starches back in once again.

It's a perfect program for me - but would be too strict for many, I realize.

Good job on the 8 mile run. That's a lot!! I'm impressed.
Have a great night at work - and I'm glad your mood is better today.


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