Hi gals!!
Well, I did get a nice elliptical interval workout in last night! Tonight will be elliptical and Lower Body (not sure which dvd I'll use for that yet).
Okay, update on my ribs: I did go to the doctor this morning and I do have a fractured rib. I was told it is fairly common for ribs to fracture during intense coughing fits. I had a severe cough for two weeks. Also, I have a hernia near my belly button that developed during my pregnancy and has steadily gotten worse. It doesn't bother me all the time, but sometimes I feel a twinge of pain. It is noticeable in the mirror though, especially from the side. I will be having a surgery consult for that within the next few weeks and they will decide if I need to have outpatient surgery (it is a straightforward procedure that uses netting to pull the intestines down...I know, gross, but there it is!). As I've told you all we had decided we are done with 3, and this just reaffirms why! Clearly, my body is tired and having some stress from the pregnancies.
While this all sounds bad, the hernia is totally repairable, it just needs no lifting or ab work for about 6 weeks. I'll have to be careful with some household activities and try to limit lifting Ryan (which will be the biggest challenge). For the rib, that just has to heal on it's own, the bones need to recalcify and strengthen.
I'll continue on with my cardio on the elliptical and lower body work from Cathe's dvd's until the other issues are healed up.
Sheesh, sorry for the novel here!! I'll try to bbl today or this weekend for personals
To everyone, have a SUPER weekend and great workouts

I'm determined to not let this get me down...