Hi girls,
I've been catching up on laundry, put new bedding (that fits) on the bed since DH has been stealing the covers
and cooked a sauce to last for 5 dinners. I'm going to get ME in before we eat.
Belinda - I'm sure it's hard on DS with jet lag at that age they love to sleep. Wow, enjoy the BBQ's with those crazy temperatures
Iris - The waiter was buying us drinks so I felt like crap this morning
Looks like your going to be sore from today's workout.
Lori - I guess when there older it's much different the revolving door doesn't go around as much when their not home
It seems like your getting the itch to run a race again
The one good thing is your always training so your set to go.
Trish - It must feet great to have your weekends back. I think it may hurt your pocket though
Enjoy the time!
Amelia - I slipped in an out of Walmart yesterday but I only had sunscreen & beach towel to buy so I was able to go on the short line
Our Walmart is now open till midnight everyday
Helene - It's so nice to have a pool to go to in the summer. We're lucky too because my in-laws have a great pool and live close by. Awesome job with the measurements
Cookie - Do you have Monday off? Any plans for the weekend?
Licia - Any workouts planned for today?
Enjoy the rest of the day